
Cards (8)

  • What are the assumptions of the behaviourist approach?

    Behaviour is learnt from the environment as humans are born a blank slate.
    Behaviour is learnt through conditioning.
    Humans and animals learn behaviour in similar ways.
  • Behaviour is learnt from the environment as humans are born a blank slate:
    Babies are born almost completely neutral with only basic responses (crying, pain, hunger) and will be moulded by their environment.
    Eg: Bandura’s bobo doll study -
    The children imitated the adults aggression towards the doll.
  • What are the two types of conditioning?
    Classical - learning through association.
    Operant - learning through consequences.
  • Classical conditioning process
    Unconditioned stimulus -> Unconditioned response
    Neutral stimulus -> No response
    Neutral stimulus + Unconditioned stimulus -> Conditioned response (repeat)
    Conditioned stimulus -> Conditioned response
  • Classical conditioning example
    Pavlov’s dogs:
    Food -> Salivation
    Bell -> No response
    Food + Bell (repeat)
    Bell -> Salivation
  • What are the three types of operant conditioning?
    Positive reinforcement
    Negative reinforcement
  • Operant conditioning example
    Skinner’s rats:
    When the rats pulled the lever they were given food. (Positive)
    When the rats pulled the lever they were electrocuted. (Punishment)
  • Humans & Animals learn in similar ways examples
    Classical conditioning:
    Pavlov’s dogs & Little Albert
    Operant conditioning:
    Skinner & Reward charts for children