Classic research

Cards (22)

  • What is the classic research of the biological approach?
    Brain abnormalities in murderers indicated by positron emission tomography
  • Aims of Raine’s research
    Look at direct measures of both cortical and subcortical brain functioning using PET scans in a group of murderers who have pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity.
  • Raine‘s methodology
    Matched pairs - age, sex, mental health disorders (SZ)
    Quasi study
  • Raine’s participants
    Experimental group:
    41 participants
    34.3 average age
    Charged with manslaughter or murder & pleading NGRI
    Control group:
    Average age 31.7
  • Procedures
    Opportunity sampling used.
    Radioactive tracer injected into participants and taken up by brain for 32 mins. During this period, each participant completed a continuous performance task based around target recognition. CPT started 30s before injection.
    PET scan.
    10 horizontal slides of brain taken.
    NGRIs level of activity (glucose metabolism) compared to controls.
    14 selected areas looked at.
  • Raine‘s findings - prefrontal
    Lower glucose metabolism relative to controls.
  • Raine’s findings - parietal
    Lower glucose metabolism compared to controls.
  • Raine’s findings - Temporal
    Glucose metabolism identical to controls.
  • Raine’s findings - occipital
    Higher glucose metabolism compared to controls.
  • Raine’s findings - corpus collosum
    Bilaterally lower glucose metabolism compared to controls.
  • Raine’s findings - amygdala
    Reduced activity in the left amygdala.
    Greater activity in right amygdala.
    Compared to controls.
  • Raine’s findings - medial temporal lobe 

    Reduced activity in left medial temporal lobe.
    Greater activity in the right medial temporal lobe.
    Compared to controls.
  • Raine’s findings - thalamus
    Greater activity in right thalamus compared to controls.
  • Raine’s findings - cingulate
    No difference
  • Raine’s conclusions
    Murders pleading NGRI have statistically significant differences in glucose metabolism in selected brain regions compared to normal controls.
  • Evaluation of Raine - quasi study
    Strength - IV naturally occurring - allows study of something that cannot be manipulated.
    Weakness - Less control (eg don’t know full history of participants).
  • Evaluation of Raine - PET scan

    Strength - allowed active brain to be examined.
    Weakness - use of radioactive tracer makes it difficult to replicate with same participants.
  • Evaluation of Raine - matched pairs
    Strength - allows for some control of participant variables.
    Weakness - weren’t matched on everything.
  • Evaluation of Raine - sample
    Weaknesses -
    Not representative of all violent crime.
    Lack population validity (all tried in state of California).
  • Evaluation of Raine - conclusions
    Findings show correlation not causation.
  • Ethical issues of Raine
    Consent - NGRI - not able to give fully informed consent?
    Right to withdraw - may have felt this would go against their case?
    Harm - being told they had an ’abnormal‘ brain could harm self esteem. Kept from medication for 2 weeks.
  • Social implications of Raine
    Strengths -
    Could be used to support cases in court - use brain imaging to help with verdict.
    Prevention strategies can be put in place.
    Weaknesses -
    Create stigma surrounding specific brain types.
    Self-fulfilling prophecy?
    Deterministic -> removal of responsibility.