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    • What are the two approaches to offender profiling mentioned?
      Top-down and bottom-up approaches
    • What does the top-down approach in offender profiling include?
      Organised and disorganised types of offender
    • What is a key aspect of the bottom-up approach in offender profiling?
      Investigative psychology and geographical profiling
    • What historical approach is mentioned in biological explanations of offending behaviour?
      Atavistic form
    • What does Eysenck’s theory of the criminal personality focus on?
      Personality traits determined by nervous systems
    • What are the aims of custodial sentencing?
      To punish, deter, rehabilitate, and protect
    • What are the types of offenders in the top-down approach?
      • Organised offenders
      • Disorganised offenders
    • What are the key components of the bottom-up approach?
      • Investigative psychology
      • Geographical profiling
    • Why is the top-down approach considered simplistic?
      It has only two categories for offenders
    • What issue arises from the sample used in the top-down approach evaluation?
      The sample of 36 killers is too small
    • What did Canter et al. (2004) find regarding disorganised offenders?
      No evidence for the existence of disorganised type
    • What does interpersonal coherence refer to in investigative psychology?
      Offender's behavior at the crime scene
    • What does the significance of time and place indicate in offender profiling?
      Where the offender may be living
    • What does geographical profiling help reveal?
      An offender's operational base
    • What is the Circle Theory proposed by Canter and Larkin (1993)?
      Offenders operate within a limited spatial mindset
    • What are the two models of offender behavior in Circle Theory?
      The Marauder and the Commuter
    • What is a limitation of the bottom-up approach regarding location?
      It may overlook psychological characteristics
    • How does the bottom-up approach differ from the top-down approach?
      Bottom-up can be used for various crimes
    • What did Lundrigan and Canter (2001) find in their study?
      Spatial consistency in serial killers' behavior
    • What percentage of police forces found profiler advice useful according to Copson (1995)?
    • What did Lombroso suggest about criminals?
      They are genetic throwbacks to primitive sub-species
    • What percentage of crimes did Lombroso attribute to atavistic form?
    • What specific physical characteristics did Lombroso identify in criminals?
      Narrow brow, strong jaw, facial asymmetry
    • What criticism is associated with Lombroso's atavistic form theory?
      It is considered scientifically racist
    • What did Mednick (1984) find regarding adoptees and criminal convictions?
      Higher conviction rates with criminal parents
    • What did Tiihonen et al. (2014) study reveal about violent crime?
      Two gene abnormalities linked to violence
    • What is the role of the prefrontal cortex in criminal behavior?
      Regulates emotional behavior
    • What did Keysers (2011) find about empathy in criminals?
      Empathy activates only when prompted
    • What does the diathesis-stress model suggest about criminality?
      Both genetic and environmental factors are important
    • What is Eysenck's view on personality traits?
      Determined by the nervous system
    • What traits characterize a criminal personality according to Eysenck?
      High extraversion, neuroticism, psychoticism
    • What did Farrington et al. (1982) find regarding Eysenck's theory?
      Criminals scored high on psychoticism only
    • What is a limitation of Eysenck's theory regarding personality types?
      It is too simplistic for complex behavior
    • What cultural bias did Bartol & Holanchock (1979) find in Eysenck's theory?
      Lower extraversion scores in Hispanic offenders
    • What did Gibbs (1979) propose regarding moral reasoning?
      Two levels: mature and immature reasoning
    • How are cognitive distortions used in therapy for offenders?
      To change distorted views and acknowledge crimes
    • What did Langdon et al. (2010) suggest about intelligence and criminality?
      Intelligence may better predict criminality
    • What did Sutherland (1924) propose about learning criminal behavior?
      Learned through interactions with others
    • What are the two parts of Sutherland's differential association theory?
      Learned attitudes and learning criminal acts
    • What is a limitation of differential association theory?
      It does not account for individual differences
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