Cards (9)

    • Who conducted research that supports the internal working model?
      Bailey et al.
    • What did Bailey et al. do?
      Assessed 99 mothers with one year old babies on the quality of their attachment to their own mothers using a standard interview procedure. The researchers also assessed the attachment of the babies to the mothers by observation
    • What did Bailey et al. find?
      The mothers who reported poor attachments to their own parents in the interviews were much more likely to have children classified as poorly attached according to observations
    • Why is monotropy a socially sensitive idea?

      It has major implications for the lifestyle choices mothers make when their children are young due to the law of accumulated separation
    • Why does Schaffer and Emerson's study not support monotropy?
      A significant minority of infants were able to form multiple attachments at the same time as forming primary attachments
    • Ijzendoorn found that babies in collectivist cultures develop multiple attachments from a very early age
    • What may be as important as attachment?
      A child's temperament
    • What is temperament?
      The child's genetically influenced personality
    • Kagan found that some babies are more anxious than others due to their genetic makeup while others are more social. These temperamental differences explain later social behaviour rather than attachment experiences