
Cards (15)

  • What are the assumptions of the psychodynamic approach?

    Behaviour can be explained by the tripartite model of personality.
    Behaviour can be explained by the unconscious mind.
    Behaviour is influenced by childhood experiences.
  • Behaviour can be explained by the tripartite model of personality
    Id- Pleasure principle. Demands instant gratification. It’s self-serving. The infant is pure id.
    Ego- Reality principle. Deals with the competing demands of the id and superego.
    Superego- Morality principle. Children learn to internalise parental and societal values. Superego tells the ego when it’s falling short of the ego ideal (what one wants to become). Ego ideal derives from positive role models presented to the child. Conscience is an internalisation of punishments & warnings.
  • Consequences of a weak ego
    Dominant id- selfish, demanding, impulsive, anger outbursts, low self-control.
    Dominant superego- submissive, honest, guilty, gullible.
  • What are the different levels of the unconscious?
    What we are currently aware of. Rational and logical thoughts and perceptions.
    Preconscious mind - what we could be conscious of if we tried (eg memories).
    Unconscious mind.
  • Ego defence mechanisms
    Ways that ego protects itself from unconscious thoughts and feelings that may cause stress if they became conscious.
    The ego uses these defences to deal with the stress caused by the conflicting demands of the id and superego.
    Repression, regression, displacement, projection.
  • Repression
    Pushing bad experiences or negative emotions into the unconscious.
  • Regression
    The abandonment of age appropriate coping strategies in favour of more childlike patterns of behaviour. It is retreating to a time when the person felt safe.
  • Displacement
    Transferring undesirable impulses from one person to an object or another person.
  • Projection
    Undesirable thoughts or emotions are attributed to someone else.
  • Psychosexual stages
    Oral (0-1)
    Anal (1-3)
    Phallic (3-6)
    Latency (7-puberty)
    Genital (puberty-adolescence)
  • Oral
    Libido focus - mouth
    Part of personality - id
    Gives us the ability to understand that we cannot exercise full control over our environment.
    Overfed / weaned too late -> oral receptive -> optimistic, gullible, dependent, trusting.
    Kept waiting for food / weaned too early -> oral aggressive -> pessimistic, envious, aggressive.
  • Anal
    Part of personality - development of ego.
    Child learns to delay their gratification. Gives them the ability to deal with authority.
    Over indulged -> anal expulsive -> generous, disorganised, rebellious, careless.
    Frustration -> anal retentive -> orderly, stubborn, possessive.
  • Phallic
    Part of personality - id & ego fully formed. Superego created at the end of this stage.
    Internalise what is right & wrong.
  • Latency
    Gap between psychosexual stages. By now child has a well developed id, ego and superego.
  • Genital
    Puberty -> adolescence
    Internal sexuality develops
    Genital character - well adjusted, mature, healthy sexual relationships