Multi-store model

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  • Atkinson and shiffrin created the multi store model
    it describes how information flows through the memory system, the model suggests that memory is made up of 3 stores linked by processing
  • Sensory register
    all stimuli from the environment pass into the sensory register
    this part of memory has several registers one for each of the five senses
    Very brief duration and high capacity
    if you pay attention, it passes into short term memory
  • short term memory
    coded acoustically, lasts about 18 seconds with out rehearsal
    small capacity 5-9 items
    maitenance rehearsal occurs when we repeat material, doing this long enough puts information into long term memory
  • long term memory
    potentially permanent memory stored information over a long time
    Coded somatically
    Capacity is thought to be unlimited
    to recall information it needs to be transferred back to short-term memory through retrieval
  • A strength of the MSM is support from studies that show short-term memory and long-term memory are different
    baddeley found we mix up words that sound similar when using STM but mix up words that have similar meanings when using LTM
    however, despite apparent support, in everyday life we form memory’s related to useful things but many of the studies that support MSM used items with no meaning
    so the MSM may not be a valid model of how memory works in every day life
  • a limitaion is evidnce suggests their is more than 1 STM store
    a study of a client they refer as KF had a clinical memory disorder called amnesia
    KF’s short-term memory for digits was very poor when they were read out loud to him, but his recall was much better when he read the digits to himself
    This evidence suggests that the MSM is wrong in claiming that there is just one STM store processing different types of information
  • another limitation of the MSM is that prolonged rehearsal is not needed to transfer to LTM
    According to the MSM, what matters about rehearsal is the amount of it, this is prolonged rehearsal
    However, it’s been found that the type of rehearsal is more important than the amount. Elaborative rehearsal is needed for long-term memory storage. This occurs when you link information to your existing knowledge or you think about what it means.
    This suggests that the MSM does not fully explain how LTM storage is achieved