1.11 months 3 days-2 joint stimulations
2.11 months 10 days- rat presented alone, played with blocks (neutral stimulus),further 7 joint stimulations, rat alone
3.11 months 15 days- played with blocks, rat alone, rabbit alone (stimulus generalisation), +blocks, dog, +blocks, fur coat, cotton wool, Watsons hair, Santa Claus mask
4.11 months 20 days- +blocks, rat alone,joint stimulation, rat alone, rabbit alone, +blocksFRESHEN REACTION TO RABBIT AND DOG BEFORE CHANGE IN ENVIRONMENTjoint stimulation with both dog and rabbitIMMEDIATELY AFTER, TAKEN TO LARGE LECTURE ROOMrat alone, rabbit alone, dog alone,joint stimulation with rat, rat alone +blocks, rabbit alone, dog alone
5.1 year, 21 days (test of time)- Santa mask, fur coat, +blocks, rat, rabbit dog