Fisher and geiselman said, eyewitness testimony is could be improved if the police use better techniques
These techniques should be based on psychological insight into how memory works.
These techniques collectively are the cognitive interview.
Witnesses are encouraged to include every detail of the event, even though it may seem irrelevant, or the witness doesn’t feel confident about it
Seemingly trivial details may be important, and it may trigger other important memories
The witness should return to the original crime scene in their mind, and imagine the environment, like the weather and what they could see, and their emotions, such as whether they were happy or bored
this is linked to context dependent forgetting
reverse the order
Events should be recalled in a different order from the original sequence
This is done to prevent people reporting their expectations of how the event must’ve happened rather than reporting the actual events
It also prevents dishonesty as it is harder for people to produce an untruthful account if they have to reverse it
change perspective
Witnesses should recall the incident from other people’s perspective
This is done to disrupt the effect of expectations, and also the effect of schema on recal
The schema you have for a particular setting generate expectations of what would have happened and it is the schema that is recalled rather than what actually happened
A strength of the cognitive interview is evidence it works
Meta-analysis combine data from 55 studies comparing the CI with the standard police interview, the CI gave an average 41% increase in accurate information compared with a standard interview
however, there was also an increase in inaccurate information recalled by participants. Cognitive interviews may sacrifice quality of eyewitness testimonies in favor of the quantity of details.
A limitation of the CI is that not all of it elements are equally effective or useful
Psychologists found each technique used alone produced more information than the standard police interview
A combination of report everything and reinstate context produced the best recall
this confirmed suspicions that some aspects of CI are more useful than others, and casts some doubt on the credibility of the cognitive interview as a whole
A limitation is that the CI is time consuming
It takes more time and training than the standard police interview and many forces do not have the resources to provide more than a few hours training.
More training also requires more money
This suggests that the complete CI as it exists is not a realistic method for police officers to use, and it may be better to focus on a few key elements