Cards (5)

  • Coding (format information is stared in) - BADDELEY (1966) 

    Procedure =
    Acoustically similar words (E.G cat, cab, can) or dissimilar (E.G pit, few, cow).
    Sematically similar (E.G great, large, big) or dissimilar (E.G good, huge, hot). 
    Findings = 
    Immediate recall worse with acoustically similar words, Stm is acoustic.
    Recall after 20 mins worse with semantically similar words, LTM is semantic.
  • Capacity (quantity of info the store can hold) - JACOBS (1887) Testing digit span
    Procedure =
    Researcher reads 4 digits and increases until the participant cannot recall the order correctly. Final number = digit span. 
    Findings =
    On average, partiocipants could repeat 9.3 numbers and 7.3 letters in the correct order immediately after they were presented. 
  • Capacity
    MILLER (1956) MAGIC NUMBER 7 +/- 2:
    Procedure =
    Miller observed everyday practice, noted that things come in 7 - notes of musical scale, days of the week, deadly sins etc.
    Findings =
    The span of STM is about 7 items (plus or minus 2) but is increased by chunkinmg - grouping sets of digits/letters into meaningful units. 
  • Duration (how long info stays) STM - PETERSON AND PETERSON (1959) consonant syllables

    Procedure = 
    24 students were given a consonant syllable (E.G YCG) to recall and a 3 digit number to count backwards from. The retention interval was varied: 3,6,9,12,15 or 18 seconds. 
    Findings = 
    After 3 seconds - avg recall was about 80%. After 18 seconds it was about 3%. STM duration without rehearsal is up to 18 seconds. 
  • Duration LTM - BAHRICK ET AL. (1975) Yearbook photos

    Procedure =
    Participants were 392 Americans aged between 17 and 74.
    1. Recognition test - 50 photos from high school yearbooks. 
    2. Free recall test - participants listed names of their graduating class. 
    Findings =
    Recognition test - 90% accurate after 15 years, 70% after 48 years.
    Free recall test - 60% recall after 15 years, 30% after 48 years.