Cards (4)

  • Interference: when 2 pieces of information disrupt each other 

    Forgetting occurs in LTM because we can’t get access to memories even though they are available.
  • Proactive interference (PI) - old interferes with new 

    PI occurs when an older memory disrupts a newer one. 
    For example, a teacher learns many names in the past and can’t remember names of her current class.
  • Retroactive interference (RI) - new interferes with old
    RI happens whn a newer memory dirsupts an older one.
    For example, a teacher learns many new names this year and can’t remember the names of her previous students. 
  • Interference is worse when memories are similar
    This may because:
    • In PI previously stored information makes new information more difficult to store. 
    • In RI new information overwrites previous memories which are similar.