Human resources

Cards (22)

  • What is recruitment? Recruitment is the process that businesses use to find new people to join their business and to fill specific job vacancies.
  • List the recruitment process : Identify job vacancy  Prepare job description and person specification  Advertise  Shortlist  References  Interview  Selection and appointment
  • What is internal and external recruitment? Internal recruitment is when a job position is advertised to people who already work at a business. External recruitment is when a business looks for new people outside of the organisation to fill a specific position.
  • What are the different methods of recruitment?  Advertisement – internal/external, recruitment agencies and media selection  Application method – letters of application, curriculum vitae (CV) and informal contact  Interview – face to face, telephone and online  Alternative to interview – skills test, aptitude test, group tests and roleplay
  • What are the benefits of having an effective recruitment process? Having an effective recruitment process means that the firm is more likely to attract and select the best possible people for the job. This can have several positive effects: High productivity; high quality output; good customer service; and staff retention.
  • What are the benefits of effective training? workers are more motivated; improved products/services; improved customer satisfaction; reduced wastage; staying ahead of competition; and reduced costs.
  • In what situations is training needed? induction training; retraining; new technology; new health and safety requirements; and creating opportunities for employees.
  • What are the different types of training? List three: Induction training: This happens when employees first arrive at a firm. It introduces them to the firm and provides initial training for their role. On-the-job training: This is the most common type of training. The employee learns how to do the job to a high standard while actually doing the job. Off-the-job training: This type of training happens away from the workplace, allowing employees to be taught a wider range of skills.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of on-the-job training? advantages: On-the-job training is low cost; It is best suited to jobs involving practical skills.disadvantages: teaching is done by other employees, so bad habits could be passed on from others.
  • What are advantages and disadvantages of off-the-job training? advantage: Off-the-job training is often taught by specialist instructors and this means that it may be higher quality training.disadvantage: more expensive than on-the-job training.
  • List the benefits of a motivated workforce: staff retention; improved quality; improved customer service; improved worker performance; improved relations between management and workers.
  • List the financial methods businesses use to motivate their workforce: wages; salaries; commission; bonuses; job promotion; profit sharing.
  • List non-financial methods businesses use to motivate their workforce: job rotation; job enrichment; autonomy; fringe benfits; management style.
  • What are the different job roles and responsibilities of a business? Leaders, Owner or Directors: • Establish the business’ overall goals. Set long-term plans and targets for the business. Managers: • Work to achieve the short and long-term targets set by the owners or directors. Supervisors/ Team Leaders: • Help managers to achieve their targets by reporting any problems and passing on instructions. Operatives/ Shop Floor Workers: • Carry out the business’ basic duties or activities.
  • State the characteristics of different job roles: authority • decision-making • skills and qualities • delegation(: the passing down of authority to more junior employees.) • pay and benefits.
  • What is a tall (hierarchical) structure? and state the advantages and disadvantages: Tall (Hierarchical) Structures: Involve organisational charts where there are many levels of hierarchy. In these organisations, there are usually many managers, and each manager has a small span of control. Advantages: ☑ narrow spans of control ➔ can help to limit managers’ workloads ☑ clear and more regular opportunities for promotion of junior employees. Disadvantages: ☒ communication may be more difficult as it passes through many levels of hierarchy ☒ decisions can be made slowly as in...
  • What is a flat (horizontal) structure? and state the advantages and disadvantages: Flat (Horizontal) Structures: Involve organisational charts where there are few or no levels of middle management between staff and executives. Advantages: ☑ fewer managers ➔ can help to reduce costs ☑ junior employees may be motivated by being given more authority ☑ communication can be quick and effective as fewer levels of hierarchy. Disadvantages: ☒ managers may have spans of control that are too wide ☒ the business may have to spend heavily on training to give junior employees the neces...
  • What is the role of trade unions in representing workers? negotiation with employers; seeking better pay ;and working conditions.
  • What is the evolving nature of working practices? flexible hours; home working; job sharing; zero hours contract.
  • What is the importance of effective communication in the workplace? increased employee involvement; improved motivation; working towards the same aims and objectives; aids decision-making; and enables employee feedback.
  • What is the consequences of poor communication in the workplace? low employee morale; increased absenteeism; reduced employee cooperation; incomplete actions/activities; and reduction in efficiency.
  • What are organisational structures? Definition: A plan showing the roles of, and relationships between, all the employees in a business. • It shows the internal structure of a business ➔ the hierarchy ➔ who is in charge of the business ➔ the chain of command ➔ the subordinates ➔ career paths identified ➔ motivates the workers • The departmental structure • The span of control ➔ the number of people an individual is responsible for improves efficiency ➔ speeds communication • Who is responsible to whom ➔ employees know who to report to if there is a problem.