digestive system

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  • functions of the digestive system
    food storage
    intermediary metabolism
    bodily defense
  • general mucosa
    lamina propria
    muscularis mucosae
  • general lamia propria
    loose CT
    has blood vessels, nerves, macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells
  • general muscularis mucosae
    one or two thin layers of smooth muscle
    some skeletal muscle in esophagus
  • general submucosa
    loose CT
    blood vessels, nerves, lymphatics
    submucosal plexus
  • general submucosal plexus
    part of enteric NS
    supplies glands
  • general muscularis externa
    smooth muscle
    inner circular layer
    myenteric plexus
    outer longitudinal layer
    coordinated contraction = peristalsis
  • general myenteric plexus 

    part of enteric NS
    supplies the muscle
  • general adventitia
    outside peritoneal cavity
    fibrous CT (blends with nearby CT)
  • general serosa
    in peritoneal cavity
    visceral peritoneum
    simple squamous mesothelium
    deeper fibrous CT layer
  • oral mucosa
    lining mucosa
  • masticatory mucosa
    on gingivae (gums) and hard palate
    dermal papillae tall/deep
  • specialized mucosa
    on tongue's upper surfaces and sides
    mix of NKSSE and KSSE
    keratinization varies
  • tongue is covered with
    taste buds
  • the tongue has underlying skeletal muscles at perpendicular angles.
  • filiform papillae
    most abundant
    cover upper surface of tongue
    lack taste buds
    keratinized on upper tips
    not well vascularized (white / gray)
  • fungiform papillae
    on upper surface of tongue
    most are at tip of tongue
    mushroom shaped
    NKSSE or slightly KSSE
    vascularized (red)
    single taste bud on top
  • circumvallate papillae
    at back of tongue
    surrounded by clefts
    taste buds on sides of papilla
  • foliate papillae
    on sides of tongue
    surrounded by clefts
    taste buds on sides of papilla
  • taste buds
    lightly stained
    3 cell types
  • cell types of taste buds
    gustatory cells
    sustentacular cells
    basal cells
  • gustatory cells
    has microvilli
    chemical stimuli
  • sustentacular cells
    has microvilli
  • basal cells (of the taste bud)

    small stem cells producing the other two types of cells
  • primary salivary glands
  • saliva
    water, mucus, enzymes, antibodies and electrolytes
  • serous acini
    watery secretion with enzymes and antibodies
    granular cytoplasm
  • mucous acini
    pale with smooth cytoplasm
    nuclei closer to basement membrane
    secretion is viscous
  • serous demilunes
    serous cells forming cap over mucous cells
  • myoepithelial cells
    assist in moving secretion into ducts
  • gland capsules send septa into gland and divides it into lobules.
  • striated ducts
    radial striations
    nuclei in the middle of the cell
  • enamal
    hardest material in the body
  • cementum
    bone like material
    lacks haversian system and blood vessels of bone
  • peridonal ligaments
    connects cementum with alveolar bone
    acts as periosteum
  • dentin
    70% calcium salts
  • tooth roots
    found in alveoli (sockets) or bone
  • pulp cavity
    filled with vascular loose CT
    has dental pulp
  • esophagus
    long muscular tube from pharynx to stomach
    relaxed is high folded
    closed by sphincter muscles at each end
  • esophagus mucosa
    highly folded when relaxes
    esophageal cardiac glands in lamina propria
    thick muscularis mucosae