Cards (38)

  • Crime Rate. The number of crime incidents in a given period of time for every 100,000 inhabitants of an area.
  • Crime Reporting. it is the act of reporting a crime committed by a victim or concerned citizens to the police station and other similar law
  • Crime Solution. The act of investigating the crime leading to the prosecution of perpetrators
  • Crime Solution Efficiency (CSE). The percentage of solved cases out of the total number of crime incidents handled by the police for a given period of time
  • Crime Solved. A crime is considered
  • Crime Volume. The number of crime incidents committed in a given area over a period of time which include index and non-index crimes.
  • Delegated Authority. It is the action by which the Chief, PNP assigns part of his authority to his Deputies, Directorial Staff, Regional Directors and NSU Directors.
  • Departmental Rules/Policies. The rules established by the police department directors/administrators to control the conduct of the members of the police force.
  • Attrition from the Service. It is the retirement or separation in the police service of PNP Uniformed Personnel pursuant to any of the means mentioned in Sections 24 to 29 of RA No 8551 and other means as provided in MC No. 14 Series of 1998
  • Average Monthly Crime Rate. Crime incidents divided into the number of months in a year
  • Base Pay. It It is the fixed amount received by the uniformed PNP personnel on a monthly basis.
  • Collateral Function. Function performed by the PNP in collaboration with other law enforcement agencies and police volunteers
  • Command. The authority vested to a senior or superior police officer by virtue of his rank or assignment over his subordinates.
  • Commissioned Officer (PCO). A police officer with a rank of police lieutenant and higher.
  • Competency. Refers to an individual's knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) that lead to superior and maximum performance.
  • Compulsory Retirement. It is the retirement in the service upon attainment of age fifty-six
  • Crime Clearance Efficiency (CCE). The percentage of cleared cases out of the total number of crime incidents handled by the police for a given period of time.
  • Crime Cleared. A crime/case is considered cleared when:
  • Crime Prevention. an act that aims to prevent the commission of crimes by adopting measures that leads to early detection, deterrence or denial of a crime.
  • Killed in Police Operation (KIPO). It refers to a PNP personnel who is killed in the actual performance of duty or by reason or on
  • Leave of Absence. It is a right granted to officials and without pay as employees not to report for work with or law and as the rules prescribed in may be provided by the Omnibus Rule on Leave
  • Longevity Pay. It is an incentive given to PNP Uniformed Personnel amo mounting to ten percent of their basic monthly salaries for every five (5) years of service.
  • Manage. To direct or conduct the affairs or interests of various police units; to control the direction, operation, and business of a police unit or the police organization as a whole.
  • Morale and Esprit-de-Corps. This refers to the mental state of the troop/group characterized by confidence, zeal and pride in in their organization. In peace, it is measured by their contentment and well-being; in war, it is measured by their will and courage to execute the arduous tasks assigned to em. Individual them. moral and sense of Esprit-de-Corps denotes optimism and confidence on good leadership, thorough and comprehensive training and pride of the individual in himself and his unit
  • Non-Commissioned Officer (PNCO). A police officer with a rank of Police Executive Master Sergeant and lower.
  • Non-Index Crimes. These are violations of special laws such as illegal logging or local ordinances.
  • Off-Duty. The nature of which the police office is free from specific routine duty
  • On-Duty. It is the period when an officer is actively engaged ged in the Active Duty.
  • Operational Manual. It contains the principles and rules governing the planning, organization, direction,
  • Dismissal from the Service. It is the separation of as a result of his/her case that includes cancellation of eligibility, forfeiture of retirement benefits, and disqualification in the re-employment in the government service
  • Dropped from Rolls. It is a non-disciplinary action against erring personnel where he/she is no longer receiving salary and the issued firearms will be taken by the PNP
  • Duty Manual. A book of instruction that describes the procedures and defines the duties of officers assigned to a specified post or position.
  • Flying Pay It is given to all PNP pilots and crew of aircrafts whose duty requires regular and frequent aerial flights, provided that they maintain an average of four (4) hours aerial flight per month. The rate of flying pay is placed at fifty percent (50%) of their authorized base pay
  • Fundamental Doctrine. It states the basic principles, policies and bases in the planning, organization and management of the PNP in support of the PNP vision, mission and strategic action plan towards the attainment of national objectives.
  • Hazard Pay. It is given to the PNP uniformed personnel basic as occupational al hazard pay considering that law enforcement is a hazardous occupation.
  • Heroic Deed/Act. The act of conspicuous courage and gallantry at the risk of his/her life above and beyond the call of duty
  • Index Crimes. These are crimes which are serious in nature and which occur with sufficient frequency and regularity such that they serve as an index to the crime situation. These are the crimes of murder, homicide, physical injuries, carnapping, cattle rustling, robbery, theft and rape.
  • Investigation. It is the collection of facts to identify the suspect, locate the suspect, and provide evidence of his guilt.