Behaviourist approach

Cards (8)

  • Assumptions
    all behaviours are learnt
    ignores mental processes, measures observable behaviour
    rejects introspection as its too vague
    uses lab experiments to maintain and control objectivity
  • classical conditioning - Pavlov
    learning through association
    he conditioned dogs to salivate to sound of a bell
    food - ucs salivation - ucr
    the food is repeatedly paired with bell, this produces salivation because of food
    dog learns to associate food with bell, so salivates to bell. the dog has been conditioned
  • operant conditioning - skinner
    learning through consequence
    reinforcement - increases likelihood of a behaviour happening
    positive - reward for good behaviour
    negative - behaving in a way to avoid something bad
    punishment - reduces likelihood of a behaviour happening
    positive- given something bad
    negative- something good taken away
  • the Skinner box experiment
    rat was placed in box
    box had leaver to dispense food
    the rat learned to press the leaver to receive food, the rat was positively reinforced
    rat was placed in electrocuting box
    pressing leaver stopped electrocution
    rat learned to press leaver to stop electrocution the rat was negatively reinforced
  • a strength of the behaviourist approach is it is based on well controlled research
    focused on the measurement of observable behaviour in highly controlled lab setting
    By breaking down behaviour into a stimulus and response units, all of the extraneous variables are removed and establishes cause-and-effect
    however, learning process may have been over simplified. they have ignored important mental processes like thought
  • a strength is the real world application
    principles of conditioning have been applied to everyday behaviours
    token economy , rewarding behaviours with tokens that can be exchanged for privilege. positive reinforcement
    this increases the value as there is widespread application
  • a negative is environmental determinism
    see all behaviour as conditioned by past experiences
    skinner suggested everything we do is based off reinforcement history
    ignores the influence of free will on behaviour
  • A limitation is animal research
    Issues of ethical issues and assumer humans learn the exact same with animals, so it’s difficult to generalise