2.9 Market failure - public goods

Cards (7)

  • Public goods are non-rivalrous and non-excludable. Because the free market is unable to provide these goods without intervention, public goods are an example of market failure. Eg. fish, park benches
  • The free-rider problem exists because no one is willing to pay for a good or service when they think that somebody else will pay for it. This is why the goods will not be provided by the free market.
  • Governments charge consumers through taxation.
  • With any large-scale investment by the government, there will always be an opportunity cost associated with the decision to provide public goods.
  • Advantages of government provision:
    • improves social welfare as consumption is increased
    • eliminates the free-rider problem
    • can be more efficiently provided
  • Disadvantages of government provision:
    • has to be financed, which generates an opportunity cost
    • may not be economically efficient, as the government can't determine the optimal output
    • some partly public goods could be provided more efficiently by private firms
  • The government can pay the private sector to provide the good, rather than providing it directly themselves. The private sector can be more efficient than the government.