Lesson 6: CSS Box Model

Cards (18)

  • Multimedia Elements - it can enhance your digital publication and make it more engaging and interactive for your readers.
  • Embedding Multimedia - requires some knowledge of HTML and CSS the languages that define the structure and style of your content.
  • Multimedia Formats
    • .wav
    • .mp3
    • .mp4
    • .mpg
    • .wmv
    • .avi
  • <img> tag - insert an image.
  • <audio> tag - used to embed sound content in documents.
  • <video> tag - used to embed video content directly into a web page. This tag supports various attributes to control playback, appearance, and behavior, making it versatile for different use cases.
  • <canvas> tag - is an HTML element that provides a container for graphics, usually rendered via JavaScript.
  • <source> tag - specify multiple sources for different formats and resolutions.
  • Align - determines how to align the object.
  • Autostart - indicates if the media should start automatically. You can set it either true or false.
  • Loop - specifies if the sound should be played continuously (set loop to true), a certain number of times (a positive value) or not at all (false).
  • Playcount - specifies the number of times to play the sound. This is alternate option for loop if you are using IE.
  • HIdden - specifies if the multimedia object should be shown on the page.
  • Width - width of the object in pixels.
  • Height - height of the object in pixels.
  • Name - used to reference the object.
  • SRC - URL of the object to be embedded.
  • Volume - controls volume of the sound. Can be from 0 (off) to 100 (full volume).