Excretion is the removal of toxic material, the waste products of metabolism and excess materials
How is undigested food removed from the body?
it is egested
Metabolism means the chemical processes going on in the body
The main product of excretion is urea
Excess proteins or amino acids are broken down to produce a nitrogen waste called urea
Heat, water and carbon dioxide are made from respiration
The excretory system removes waste products from the body and Regulates the volume and composition of body fluids
Kidneys are important for homeostasis and excretion
If you eat too much protein it is broken down into amino acids, these are then broken down by the liver and make urea
True or false,Urea is toxic at high enough quantities so your body needs to remove it. true
Urea passes into the blood and the kidneys will filter it out, when it mixes with water it makes urine which then passes to the bladder for storage via the ureter
If the concentration of fluids change in your body, it can cause water to move in or out by osmosis which could destroy your cells
When ADH levels increase, more water reabsorbs back into the bloodstream making the urine less dilute.
Water levels can change by:
breathing out water
eating and drinking
If you sweat or not
You have two kidneys, each receives blood from the renal artery. Kidneys act like filters removing urea
Once the bladder fills the urine passes out the urethra
Any sugar that enters the kidneys is reabsorbed as are some salts
The amount of water in the urine is adjusted to suit the body’s needs
The renal vein carries filtrated blood from the kidney to heart after urea and other substances have been removed from the blood
The renal artery carries blood containing urea and other substances from the heart to kidney
Each kidney has four parts: ureter, renal cortex, renal medulla, and renal pelvis
The cortex is the outer layer of the kidney jammed full of filters called nephrons which filter the blood
The medulla is the middle layer of the kidney which has the tubes carrying filtered wastes to the Center of the kidney. contains the loop of henle
The pelvis is the area where all collecting ducts come together and connect with the ureter
The ureter transports urine to the bladder
The nephron carries out filtering and reabsorbtion
Nephron consists of glomerulus (filter), proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule, collecting duct.
Your kidneys filter your blood then transient everything you need
Glucose, amino acids, mineral salts and urea all move out of the blood into the kidneys by diffusion
During selective reabsorbtion all of the sugar is then reabsorbed back into the blood by active transport
The amount of water and mineral ions reabsorbed varies depending on what your body needs
Kidneys have a rich blood supply so they constantly produce urine
Excretion is the process of eliminating or expelling metabolic waste
Homeostasis is the control of internal environments
Osmoregulation is a homeostatic mechanism that regulates the optimum temperature of water and salts in the tissues and body fluids
The urinary system are the organs that make urine and remove it from the body
The proximal convoluted tubule is a long winding part of the nephron where selective reabsorbtion occurs
The glomerulus is a cluster of nerve endings around the end of the tubule, it filters the blood and removes water, glucose, salts and waste urea from the blood. It’s a barrier for large molecules
the loop of henle is the long curved region of the nephron which is where water and iron is adjusted
The collecting duct is the region in the nephron where the final composition of the urine is decided on