social learning theory

Cards (13)

  • social learning theory assumptions
    -the belief that people are shaped by their environments through learning processes
    -observational learning (modelling) = acquire new behaviours without the need for reinforcement or shaping > observation and imitation
  • what are mediational processes?
    mental processes that intervene in the learning process to determine if the new behaviour is acquired or not
  • mediational processes and their aims
    A = attention - paying attention to the model
    R = retention - to encode and form a memory to imitate
    R = motor reproduction - practicing the behaviour
    M = motivation - will only use the behaviour if they're motivated
  • vicarious reinforcement?

    more likely to imitate someone if the model is being rewarded
  • identification?

    more likely to imitate someone if the observer sees the model as similar to themself
  • what study supports social learning theory?
    banduras bobo doll
  • banduras bobo doll study

    -done with pre school children
    • aggressive model condition - adult model playing physically and verbally aggressive with the doll
    • non-aggressive model condition - adult model playing peacefully
    • control condition - no adult model
  • banduras bobo doll study findings
    -aggressive model condition:
    • more imitated aggressive play
    • more non imitated aggressive play (gun)
  • banduras bobo doll follow up
    vicarious reinforcement - model rewarded with sweets
    punishment - model scolded
  • banduras bobo doll AO3 - scientific method
    -replicability = lab controlled settings allow the same results to be achieved
  • banduras bobo doll AO3 - irl application, role models study
    =role models are an important influence on behaviour
    • children who are very aggressive are raised in homes of high levels of aggression
    -many government health campaigns have used social learning theory concepts
  • banduras bobo doll AO3 - ethical issues + weakness
    ethical issues:
    • psychological harm = exposing children to aggressive behaviour could distress them or cause them to keep these tendencies
    • ecological validity = artificial setting + task (wouldnt usually be put in a room to be observed + its a doll)
    • population validity = done on children, cant generalise
    weakness = might just be frustrated that they cant knock it down leading to aggression, not imitation
  • banduras bobo doll AO3 - ignores biological factors

    -MAOA gene
    -testosterone in men
    =proven to influence aggression