operant conditioning

Cards (15)

  • What is operant conditioning?
    -the likelihood of future behaviour is determined by the consequences of past behaviour
    -learning from consequences, an explanation for voluntary behaviour
  • 3 types of reinforcement
    positive reinforcement
    negative reinforcement
  • positive reinforcement
    a pleasant consequence encourages behaviour to be repeated
  • negative reinforcement
    changing/stopping something in order to prevent a negative consequence
  • punishment
    an unpleasant consequence decreases the likelihood of the behaviour being repeated
  • which study supports operant conditioning
    skinners rat box
  • skinners rat box outline
    -put a hungry rat into a box and observed its behaviour
  • skinners rat box - positive reinforcement example

    rat presses lever = food released
    -it learned the connection and increased the amount of presses
  • skinners rat box - negative reinforcement example

    rat presses lever = stops an unpleasant environmental stimuli (loud noise) = increased lever presses
  • skinners rat box - punishment example

    rat presses lever = electric shock
    -learned the connection and presses decreased
  • what is shaping?

    a method of learning where a complex behaviour is broken down into a series of complex behaviours to achieve a desired complex behaviour
    -using all operant conditioning techniques together to shape behaviour
  • skinners rat box AO3 - use of experiments to test
    -objectivity = control over variables + measurements = can infer cause and effect
    -replicable = can do with other animals e.g. pigeons
  • skinners rat box AO3 - irl application
    -valuable contribution to society = explanations for the development of behaviours > development of treatments
    -simplicity = easily applied to real life
    -parents/teachers use positive reinforcement (stickers etc)
  • skinners rat box AO3 - generalisability + ethics
    -cant generalise animals behaviour to humans due to complex thought processes and emotions
    ethical issues:
    • exposed to stressful/harmful conditions, arguably unnecessary procedures
    • adverse conditions could have an effect on the reactions lowering validity
  • skinners rat box AO3 - ignores biological factors

    hormones = melatonin, adrenaline affect behaviour
    genes = MAOA gene - aggression