Many and varied, including travel specialist agencies, carrier offices, train and coach companies, bus and taxi services
Travel agencies
Have all the information needed to make travel arrangements or access to such information
Can make reservations, issue tickets, recommend accommodation, book car rentals, check entry regulations, access carrier schedules, luggage restrictions, air freight arrangements
Estimated time of arrival (ETA)
Particularly useful when onward connections need to be made or when arrangements need to be made for travellers to be met
Businesses establish relationships with travel agents they frequently use
They will be on a first-name basis with the staff, and the agency staff become acquainted with the preferences of particular businesses
Information needed before making reservations
Type of carrier - air, boat
Dates and times of travel
Accommodation requirements
Localtransfersandtravel - carhire
Carrier organization
The organization whose job it is to carry people or cargo
Carrier schedules
Detailedlists of their services including destinations, dayandtimeofdeparture and arrival, and classoftravel available
May include abbreviations and symbols to save space and assist the reader
Often include an explanation of the meanings of the abbreviations and symbols used
Typical abbreviations used in carrier schedules
DEP/d - departure
ARR/a - arrival
ETA - estimatedtimeofarrival
DLY - daily
FLT - flight
EFF - effective (from)
INS - insurance
EQPT - equipment
OPS - operate
DISC - discounted
The best known airschedule, containing all the schedules of all the airlines in the world
Businesses have varying policies for financing travelling representatives, including per diem, reimbursement of expenses, corporate credit cards, and advance payment of travel and accommodation
Ensure everything is organized and planned before the traveller leaves the office
Gather all necessary documents and files
Arrange travel, accommodation, and any other requirements
Provide the traveller with all the information they need
Information needed before making travel arrangements
Purpose of the visit
Countries to be visited
Timeaway from the office
Howwork will be covered
Dates of travel
Appointments and meetings to be arranged
Scheduling of appointments
Need to be arranged in advance to ensure availability and avoid conflicts
Emergencies can arise with little warning, requiring the person making travel arrangements to work after office hours
A visual representation of an area, typically a city, that shows the relative position of the different streets, buildings, and other features
Travel schedules
Usually in 24-hour clock format
Need to determine arrival times
Scheduling appointments
1. Contact people in advance to set up tentative schedule