Types of long term memory

Cards (12)

  • Semantic memory

    Our knowledge about the world, facts and concepts
  • Episodic memory

    Our memories for particular events in our lives
  • Procedural memory

    An unconscious memory of skills, known as muscle memory
  • Declarative memories

    Episodic and semantic memories
  • Non-declarative memories
    Procedural memories
  • Episodic memories

    • Stored with a reference to time and place
    • Can be recalled consciously
    • Autobiographical
    • Easy to forget
  • Semantic memories
    • Not stored with a reference to time and place
    • Can be recalled consciously
    • Not autobiographical
    • More resistant to forgetting
    • Strength affected by depth of processing
  • Procedural memories

    • Not stored with a reference to time and place
    • Recalled unconsciously
    • Not autobiographical
    • Very resistant to forgetting
    • Strength affected by amount of practice
  • Amnesiac patients with hippocampal damage had significant episodic amnesia but largely unaffected semantic abilities
  • Clive Wearing had retrograde amnesia for episodic memories, but retained semantic memories and procedural skills
  • Amnesiac patients can improve on procedural skills under experimental conditions, without retaining episodic or semantic memories of the training
  • There are reasons to argue that the separation between types of long-term memory may not be as clear-cut, as episodic memories can become semantic over time, and there is a strong connection between procedural and semantic memory