The Reformation

Cards (41)

  • Protestant Reformation
    The revival of learning, the resurrection of the word of God
  • Northern Renaissance
    • Northern scholars realized that there is no book that is as important as the BIBLE
    • Greek, Latin, Hebrew is used
    • The biblical emphasis prepared Europe to PROTESTANT REFORMATION
  • Northern Renaissance Men
    • JOHANN REUCHLIN (Germany)
    • JOHN COLET (England)
  • Johann Reuchlin
    Published a Hebrew grammar and lexicon, made possible the translation of the Old Testament from Hebrew to common languages
  • Philipp Melanchthon
    Wrote the first systematic theology of the Protestant Reformation and the First Protestant confession of faith, "PRECEPTOR of GERMANY"
  • John Colet
    Encouraged Christians to be "upright and honorable and of much and well-attested learning"
  • William Tyndale
    Produced the first printed English translation of the New Testament from the Original Greek
  • Thomas More
    Utopia - his greatest work, story of an ideal state, close friend of Erasmus, popularized humanism in England, as chancellor of England encouraged the study of humanities at Oxford
  • Desiderius Erasmus
    Most renowned humanist, great Dutch scholar, linguist, and theologian, Humanist achievements, In Praise of Folly - his best known work, ridiculed the follies of society and the church, contributed to the reformation of the Catholic Church
  • Reformers
    • John Wycliffe
    • John Huss
    • St. Ignatius Loyola
  • John Wycliffe
    The Morning Star of the Reformation, Medieval English theologian, translated the Bible to English
  • John Huss
    The Bohemian religious reformer and rector of the University of Prague who supported the ideas of John Wycliffe
  • St. Ignatius Loyola
    He founded the Society of Jesus
  • Causes of the Reformation
    • 100 Years War and Black Death
    • Scientific Advances which contradicted the Church
    • The Corruption within the Catholic Church
  • Protestant Reformation
    Prior to the Reformation all Christians were Roman Catholic, The [REFORM]ation was an attempt to REFORM the Catholic Church, People like Martin Luther wanted to get rid of the corruption and restore the people's faith in the church, In the end the reformers, like Luther, established their own religions, The Reformation caused a split in Christianity with the formation of these new Protestant religions
  • Christianity
    • Catholic
    • Protestant
  • Reformers
    • Martin Luther
    • John Calvin
    • Henry VIII
  • Martin Luther
    Lived from 1483-1546 in Germany, Father encouraged him to study law, A sudden religious experience inspired him to become a monk
  • Martin Luther's spiritual conflict before his salvation
    He became troubled over the possibility of not going to heaven, He turned to the Bible, and confession for comfort
  • Romans 1:17
    "The just shall live by faith." Luther realized that only faith (in the ultimate goodness of Jesus), not good deeds, could save a person. No good works, rituals, etc. would save a person if they did not believe. Martin understood God's mercy, grace and love; he found salvation.
  • Luther's 95 Theses
    A list of things he thought were wrong with the Catholic Church (95 Complaints), He criticized the Power of the Pope, The Extreme Wealth of the Church, Indulgences (Catholic concept of Salvation)
  • Break from Rome
    The selling of indulgences raised Luther's indignation, An indulgence is salvation of a soul in purgatory or exemption from Church rules, Money given to Albert (friar), Pope Leo X (construction of the church, St. Peter's Cathedral)
  • Gutenberg's Printing Press

    Made it possible for Luther to spread his beliefs
  • Luther's 95 Theses
    1. Posted on Church doors in Germany
    2. Gained support from people
    3. Criticism from Church
  • Pope Leo X (Medici)

    He was the Pope during the height of the corruption
  • Appeal to the Germans
    1. Papal bull in 1520 ordering him to recant his ideas
    2. August 1520 he issued his pamphlet entitled Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation (walls of the Roman Catholic church)
    3. the Babylonian Captivity of the Christian nation, his second pamphlet (Babylon-Israel)
    5. he repudiated the sacraments of marriage, confirmation, ordination and extreme unction
    6. accepted only baptism, communion, confession
  • In the Freedom of the Christian Man
    • Sola Scriptura (By scripture alone)
    • Sola Fide (By faith alone)
    • Sola Gratia (By grace alone)
    • Justification by faith
    • The priesthood of all believers
    • The authority of the Bible as God's Word
    • The right of each Christian to read the Bible for himself.
  • Luther on Trial
    1. The Diet of Worms
    2. 1520 Pope Leo X order Luther to give up his beliefs
    3. Luther burned the order and was excommunicated
    4. Luther went into hiding where he translated the New Testament into German – spreading his beliefs even further
  • Luther prepares to burn Pope's orders

    Stayed there for a year, he translated the Bible to German, 1522 returned to Wittenberg and laid the foundation of the Lutheran Church
  • Acceptance of Reforms
    Some Local German Churches accepted Luther's ideas, Lutheranism was formed, Supported by German Princes who issued a formal "protest" against the Church for suppressing the reforms, The reformers came to be known as [PROTEST]ants, Protestants
  • Term "Protestant"

    Anyone outside the Catholic Church, protest against Catholic, Philip Melanchton wrote the creed of Lutheran teaching – Augsburg Confession, rejected by the Diet of Worms but it still became the credo of the Lutherans
  • Spread of the Protestants
    • Scotland = known as Presbyterianism, by John Knox
    • England = known as Puritanism
    • SWITZERLAND = ULRICH ZWINGLI preaching through the Gospel of Matthew, BIBLE as the sole standard of faith and practice.
  • John Calvin
    Influenced by Martin Luther, Disagreed with Luther's "Salvation through faith alone", Created his own Protestant religion in Switzerland "CALVINISM", The Institutes of the Christian Religion
  • Calvinism
    • Started in SwitzerlandCalvinists
    • England = Puritans
    • Scotland = Presbyterians
    • Holland = Dutch Reform
    • France = Huguenots
    • Germany = Reform Church
  • Predestination
    Calvin believed in Salvation through Predestination, At birth it is decided if you will go to heaven or hell
  • Foreknowledge
    God knows everything that will happen in your life
  • Purified approach to life
    No drinking, swearing, card playing, gambling etc.
  • Christianity
    • Catholic
    • Protestant
    • Lutheran
    • Calvinism
    • Puritan
    • Hugeunots
    • Presbyterian
  • Anabaptists
    Conrad Grebel "Swiss Brethren", Anabaptist means "rebaptizer", Believes that only believers should be baptized, Rebaptize people who had been baptized as infants, Church members should be only people who made public profession of faith.
  • The Protestant Reformation set loose the true spirit of individual spiritual liberty, It fostered respect for the dignity of every man and a sense of personal responsibility for all activities of life.