Standards of moral conduct, behavior and judgment in business
Business ethics
Involves making the moral and right decisions while engaging in business activities
Businesses are legally bound and socially obligated to conduct business in an ethical manner
Business ethics
Based on the personal values and standards of each person engaged in business
Main purpose of business ethics
To help business and would-be business determine what business practices are right and what are wrong, and guide them in making the right business decisions
Special purposes of business ethics
To make businessmen realize they cannot employ double standards
To show businessmen that common practices they thought were right are really wrong
To serve as a standard or ideal upon which business conduct should be based
To assist the business world in formulating codes of conduct - personal, company and professional
Scope of business ethics
Covers all conduct, behavior and judgment in business, from the slightest deviation from what is right to illegal and dishonest acts
Covers even acts that may be legal but which are wrong because they violate ethical principles
There is still no uniform standards of right and wrong from which all business may base their actions
Fair business competition
Achieving success solely by offering better products, services and terms than the competitor
A business has an economic impact on society
Through the wages it pays to its employees, the materials it buys from suppliers, and the prices it charges customers
A business has a positive social impact
If it pays fair living wages and benefits to employees, pays suppliers fairly and on time, and gives customers good value for the price
A business has an environmental impact
Businesses that implement good environmental policies can reduce their internal costs and promote a positive image
Ethical conduct expected of business managers
Acknowledge their role is to serve the business enterprise and community
Avoid abuse of executive power for personal gain
Reveal conflicts of personal and company interests
Be concerned with difficulties of subordinates and treat them fairly
Recognize subordinates' right to information
Fully evaluate effects on employees and community before decisions
Cooperate with colleagues and not seek personal advantage at their expense
There is an inherent conflict between ethics and the pursuit of profit
Pope Francis: 'Humanity is experiencing a turning point in its history as can be seen from the advances occurring in the sciences and technology. We are in an age of knowledge and information and that this has led to new and often anonymous kinds of power. We have today an economy of exclusion and inequality.'
Pope Benedict XVI: 'Market economics must be underpinned by commitments to particular moral goods and a certain version of the human person if it is to serve rather than undermine humanity's common good. The economy needs ethics in order to function correctly not an ethics which is people-oriented.'