
Cards (15)

  • Lahars
    Wet cement-like mixture of volcanic material and water that flows down the slopes of a volcano
  • Lahar in Javanese(an Indonesian dialect)

    Lava or lava flow
  • Lahars can form during eruptive episodes or during periods of dormancy
  • How lahars are generated

    1. Intense rainfall during an eruption
    2. Occurrence favors stratovolcanoes, tall and steep volcanoes, and those with weak or easily erodible volcano rock layer
  • Types of lahar processes and deposits
    • Dilute Streamflow (20 to >~60% vol, 40-80% wt.)
    • Hyperconcentrated Streamflow (<20% vol., <40% wt.)
    • Debris Flow (>~60% vol., >80% wt.)
  • Lahars
    • Move as fluid masses with the general consistency of wet concrete
    • Can cause serious economic and environmental damage to large floodplain areas, and to those affected by the severed lifelines
    • Can destroy through direct impact of the debris, logs, and the flow itself
  • Hazard maps play an important role in identifying the location, magnitude and countermeasures to be undertaken during volcanic crises
  • Taming lahars
    1. Assess and designate at-risk areas
    2. Investigate past history of lahars to form the bases of predicting the size and frequency of future lahars
  • Lahar
    Lava or lava flow
  • Lahar
    • Wet cement-like mixture of volcanic material and water flowing down the slopes of a volcano
  • Lahars can travel at high speeds
  • Lahars can have a significant impact on the surrounding environment
  • Effective dissemination of lahar hazard information
    • Educating the local residents, local authorities, and local and national civil defense organizations
    • Coordination between the lahar experts and emergency management agencies
    • Good monitoring and warning system should be in place to alert people early enough for them to evacuate to safe places
  • Role of water in lahar formation
    Water acts as a lubricant, allowing volcanic materials to flow more easily downhill
  • Lahars typically move quickly and pose significant danger to nearby communities