evolution and behaviour

Cards (8)

  • evolutionary psychology outline - branch of the biological approach
    -some behaviours + characteristics are genetically determined
    =if genetically determined behaviours are adaptive to survive better they will be naturally selected
  • natural selection?
    the gradual process by which nature selects the forms most fit to survive + reproduce in a given environment
    e.g. giraffes didn't always have a long neck, cant survive without it
  • sexual selection?
    -the selection of characterisitics that are beneficial for reproductive success
    • females are the selectors whilst males compete for her attention
    -females produce less eggs so they need to be selective in order to get the best genes and beneficial characteristics for their offspring to survive
  • AO3 - supporting evidence - Buss
    -studied 37 cultures and found universal similarities in mate preferences (women want resources and men want young and physically attractive for fertility + reproduction potential
  • AO3 - it explains why many behaviours exist
    e.g. attachment to a primary caregiver has evolved because it gives the infant a survival advantage
    -social releasers (crying) ensure the caregiver stays close
    :( doesnt explain why all organisms dont evolve at the same rate
  • AO3 - only considers nature side of nature-nurture debate

    -nurture suggests behaviour is influenced by environmental factors and the evolutionary theory fails to consider this, it only partially explains behaviour
  • A03 - lack of empirical support
    it can only explain behaviour after it has happened so it cant make predictions for the future via testing unless large groups are isolated which is not practical or ethical
  • AO3 - it is only a theory, cant observe what actually happened