Bad harvests 1556, 1596, 1597 caused rise in grain prices
Rack renting – landowners could charge what they liked. Could stop poor using land to graze their animals
Sheep farming more popular than arable farming – poor farm labourers lost jobs, spinners and weavers lost their jobs too
Cloth trade collapsed – the country relied on the woollen cloth industry when it collapsed many spinners and weavers lost their jobs
Soldiers and sailors lost jobs when wars ended – resulted in rise in unemployment
No monasteries meant poor had nowhere to go for help
Rising Population 2.7 million in 1540s to 4.1 million in 1601. This meant more jobs, food, houses and clothes were needed –not enough for everyone
Land enclosure – land owners closed their fields with hedges which meant that ordinary folk couldn't graze their animals cause poverty. Less arable land available
Coin debasement – Henry VIII had reduced the quantity of precious metals in coins so Merchants were asking for more coins to cover the cost of goods. Elizabeth called in all the debased coins and issued new ones with more precious metal in the hope to bring down the price of goods BUT prices still rose
Inflation – (rising prices) food became expensive but wages didn't rise
Rural depopulation – there was a drift from the countryside into towns and cities