Management of schizophrenia

Cards (7)

  • Token economy is a form of behaviour modification where desirable behaviours are encouraged by the use of selective reinforcement
    the tokens are secondary reinforcers and can be exchanged for primary reinforcers like privileges
  • taken economy was child in award of woman with a diagnosis of schizophrenia
    Every time the participant carried out the tasks, such as making my bed, they were given a plastic token, with the words one gift written
    These tokens could then be swapped for ward privileges, like watching a film
    The number of tasks carried out significantly increased
  • Take a economies were extensively used when the norm for treating schizophrenia was long-term hospitalisation
    the use has declined in the UK because of the growth of community based care and the closure of psychiatric hospital
    also because of complex Erica issues raised by restricting privileges to people with mental disorders
  • modifing behaviours like personal care and social behaviours doesn’t cure SZ, but has 2 main benefits
    improves quality of life in hospital settings
    normalises behaviour to make it easier to adapt to life when returned to community
  • A limitation of token economies is ethical issues
    it gives professionals considerable power to control the behaviour of people in the role of the patient
    restricting the availability of pleasures to people who don’t behave as desired means that seriously ill people who are already experiencing distressing symptoms have an even worse time
    The benefits of token economy may be outweighed by their impact on personal freedom and short-term reduction in quality of life
  • A limitation is the existence of more ethical alternatives
    token economies can be helpful for managing SZ, but there are other approaches with comparable evidence base that do not raise the same ethical issues
    for example, art therapy is a high Gagne and Lo rest approach, it’s a pleasant experience, without major risks of side effects or ethical issues
  • a strength is the evidence of effectiveness
    Identified seven high quality studies that examined the effectiveness of token economies for people with chronic mental health issues and involved patients living in a hospital setting.
    All studies showed a reduction in negative symptoms and a decline in the frequency of behaviour
    However, seven studies is quite a small evidence base, there could be a bias towards positive published findings as there is only a small number of studies reviewed