Interactionist approach

Cards (8)

  • interactionist approach acknowledges a range of factors that are involved in the development of SZ
    The diathesis stress model highlighted
    SZ is believed to be the result of both an underline vulnerability and environmental triggers, and both are necessary for the onset of SZ
  • diathesis stress model
    The diastasis vulnerability for SZ is entirely genetic, genes are assumed to cause neurochemical abnormalities that result in an increased risk for SZ
    if there’s no genetic vulnerability, no amount of stress would lead to SZ
  • modern understanding of diathesis
    many genes appear to increase genetic vulnerability slightly, there isn’t a single gene
    Psychological trauma that alters developing brain means trauma becomes diathesis rather than stressor
  • modern understanding of stres
    anything that risks triggering SZ
    Environmental factors like parenting
    Cannabis interferes with dopamine system
  • Treatment
    acknowledges both biological and psychological factors in SZ
    So is associated with combining antipsychotic medication and psychological therapies
  • their is evidence supporting the diathesis stress model
    randomly allocated 315 patients to a medication + CBT group, medication group + supportive counselling group, or control group (medication only).
    Participants in the 2 combination groups showed lower symptoms levels than those in the control group, although there was no difference in rates of hospital readmission
    this suggests that there is biological and environmental factors that cause schizophrenia as when CBT and medication were used together, symptom levels were the lowest
  • schizophrenia is more commonly diagnosed in city rather than rural areas, this statistic is used to justify the interactionist approach, as it assumes city living is more stressful than rural living, therefore city living act as a stressor
    However, this statistical difference maybe be because schizophrenia is more likely to be diagnosed in cities as they have more access to healthcare. Greater population densities in cities may mean that early symptoms are noticed more so are referred to a doctor
  • A strength is childhood experiences impact individuals throughout their life showing environmental factors are involved in SZ
    Maladaptive methods of coping with stress in childhood and throughout development means that the individual fails to develop effective coping skills, which in turn compromises their resilience and increases vulnerability.
    This may make life generally more stressful for the individual and so trigger schizophrenia.
    this highlights the importance of environmental factors in causing the development of schizophrenia