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Body wide system of nerve cells that collects information from the world, processes this information and then takes action by directing bodily organs and muscles via the transmission of electrochemical messages
Involves complex processing, includes the brain for all conscious and most unconscious processing, and the spinal cord which receives and transmits information and some reflex processing
A body-wide network of messenger neurons, sensory afferent neurons take information to the CNS, motor efferent neurons take information away from the CNS
Part of the ANS, increases bodily activities, release of noradrenaline, activates the fight or flight response, increases heart rate, sweat, breathing rate, and dilates pupils
Part of the ANS, decreases bodily activities, releases acetylcholine, activates the rest and digest response, decreases heart rate, sweat, and breathing rates, constricts pupils
Sensory neuron detects sensation, action potential travels along axon, signal converted to chemical signal at synapse, relay neuron sends signal to CNS and motor neuron, motor neuron stimulates effector (e.g. muscle) to respond
Travels down axon, forces vesicles to release neurotransmitters into synaptic cleft, neurotransmitters bind to receptors on postsynaptic neuron, if threshold reached new action potential forms
Increased blood flow to brain and skeletal muscles, quick thinking and reactions, decreased blood flow to skin, digestive and immune systems, dilated pupils, faster breathing
Acute stress is a short-term response to immediate pressures, exciting in small amounts and giving focus and energy, but exhausting and maintained long-term