Zero growth isoclines: when the population sizes are not changing
Zero Growth Isoclines would have dN/dT = 0
The Mathematical modes are based on assumptions, that help secribe the world
Compare modeled predictions to the natural world and look for difference
Outcomes give indications of the importance of intra- vs interspecific competition
Trains out intuition of how competition works
Highlight basics that can be compared to more complicated scenarios (or real world)
Each speices has a unique isoline which its population size doesn't change
An infinite number of isoclines are possible,
plotting isoclines on same graph helps us see outcomes of competition
There are only 4 quantitatively different outcomes to competition
Competitive Exclusion Principle:
Outcomes of competition reflect both intraspecific and interspecific interactions
Two species that use a limiting resource in the same way cannot coexist indefinitely
Therefore, competing species are more likely to coexist when their resources differ
Competitive exclusion results in character displacement and resource partitioning
Niche differentiation when competitive exclusion results in differences in resource use
Over time competition can result in speciation
What does the PREY isocline mean, and what must be true about the dN/dt for the prey population?
At a particular density of predators, the density of prey is not changing (dNprey/dt = 0), vice versa for predator isocline
dNprey/dt = 0 at the peaks of the prey isocline; also applies for dNpred/dt
Lotka-Voltera Predator-Prey Model Assumptions
No crowding
Equal chance encounter between predators and prey
Prey is the only food for the predator
Predation is the only major cause of prey death
No handling time
No immigration/emigration
Food Chains and Food webs show the movement of energy and trophic efficiencies
Food webs are complex and represent competiton between different species
Keystone vs. Dominant: keystone species are species that are important to the ecosystem but are not the most abundant species
Dominant species: have large effects on identity and diversity of other species in community because of abundance/large biomass
Species Composition: identity of species present in a community
Documenting species composition allows us to detect changes over time
We can identify important members of the community
Density-mediated indirect interactions (DMII): change in density due to positive or negative interactions. Ex. Trophic cascade: rate of consumption by predator affects lower trophic levels (top-down effect)
Bottom Up Trophic cascade: changes in the population of primary producers (plants) trigger a chain reaction of changes in the populations of all other trophic levels (herbivores, carnivores, etc.) within an ecosystem
Bottom up: positive effect from bottom up (nutrients -> plants -> herbivores -> carnivores)
Top-down: Carnivores indirectly benefit plants as they eat herbivores
Community: a group of interacting species in the same place at the same time
A regional species pool is formed by evolutionary processes, physiological constraints, dispersal ability, and habitat selection
A regional species pool creates species interactions and ultimately a local community structure (regulated by environmental variation and disturbance and stress)
An example of primary succession is a volcanic eruption - after a big disturbance, the soil is disturbed and plants can't necessarily grow, low-frequency event, high-intensity disturbance
Secondary disturbance - some ecological communities are adapted to certain kinds of disturbance, but only with a particular range of disturbance intensity and frequency; when plants and animal recolonize an area after a disturbance; medium-frequency, medium-intensity disturbance
An example of Low-intensity, low frequency is a tree falling
An example of high frequency, high intensity is extreme weather conditions
r selected: weedy/pioneer species that arrive straight after a disturbance
exponential growth
type 3 survivorship
unstable environment
K selected: species that arrive later than r-selected species after a disturbance
logistic growth
type 1 or type 2 survivorship
stable environment
How succession works
Pioneer arvie after.a disturbance (in the colonizing stage)
Other species arrive, possibly see several stages of community development
Theoretically reach a "climax community" under a stable environment
Disturbance can "reset" succession to early stage of community composition
Succession occurs via 3 different mechanisms:
Inhibition: Some species arrive earlier and make it harder for species to invade earlier. Succession proceeds as short-lived species are replaced by longer-lived ones
Tolerance: No critical interactions; early successional species have no impact on the establishment of later-successional species
Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis: r and k selected species are found during intermediate disturbance. Sousa's findings supported this hypothesis as he measured the difference in algae diversity between stable and unstable rocks
Both unstable and stable rocks saw an increase in diversity during intermediate disturbance
why is Ulva preferentially removed?
Extreme stress: low survival during extreme low tides
Selective Herbivory: shore crabs prefer to consume Vlva over Gigartina in lab experiments, crabs accelerate succession
Wht processes dominate the successional trajectory?
Ulva is an early-succession species that inhibits Gigartina ; ulva is more susceptible to environmental stress and consumers, and once ulva is removed, the late-successional Gigartina dominates -> which matches the inhibition mechanism
Resilience: the ability of a community to return back to its original state after a disturbance; returns to the same state composition after disturbance
Resistance: The ability of a community to withstand a disturbance; little change to the community when disturbed
Return time: the time required to equilibrium after a certain distance
If a community crosses a critical threshold, the community becomes ultimately different (alternate stable state)
What is biogeography and what determines the patterns we see?
the study of when and where organisms are found
geographic area
evolutionary history
Islands are an area where a lot of individuals can live and is surrounded by a habitat where those individuals can't live
an area of suitable habitat surrounded by inhospitable "matrix"
these include islands, alpine zones, ponds, and isolated forests