what type of respiration does gaseous exchange use?
Cellular respiration
What are the steps of gaseous exchange in the lungs?
Breathe in oxygen molecules, goes down the trachea, splits into bronchi, splits again into the bronchiholes, goes into alveolis, water and carbondioxide molecules diffuse into bloodtream, carbon dioxide molecules get breathed out.
What adaptations do alveoli have?
Moist cell wall, thin layer of cells, large surface area
How does a large surface area help the alveoli?
Increases the rate of diffusion into the bloodstream
How does a moist cell wall help the alveoli?
It helps the gases to dissolve quicker which increases the rate of diffusion
How does the thin layer of cells help alveolis?
Its easier to diffuse into the bloodstream because the molecules havent got as far to go