How did the people in Singapore respond to British rule after World War II?
What will you learn
How external events in the post-war period affected (political developments) people in Singapore
How did the British dealt with post-war problems in Singapore?
How did the locals responded to British rule in the post-war period?
How did Singapore eventually attained full internal self-government in 1959?
Growth of political movements in Singapore
Events that hastened Singapore's path to independence
An Overview: British Actions and People's Aspirations in the Post-War Years, how these led to Internal Self- Government in 1959
External Events Outside of Singapore: Communism, Colonialism
Post War Problems: Food, Strikes, Economy
Maria Hertogh Riots/ Hock Lee Bus/ Chinese Middle School Riots
Locals Response to British Rule: Expression of dissent through strikes and riots
Journey to Full Internal Self-Government: 3 Elections - 1948, 1955, 1959
Weakening of Colonial Rule (also known as Trend of Decolonisation in the Region)
Impact of British surrender to the Japanese had a strong psychological effect i.e. accelerated the growth of anti-colonial feelings
People in different places saw the chance to rise up against their European colonial rules and take charge of their destinies
India, 1947
Indonesia, 1949
Vietnam, 1954
Malaya, 1957
Weakening of Colonial Rule (also known as Trend of Decolonisation in the Region)
Inspired people in Singapore in favour of self-rule = to be free from British Rule
A system of government where people are treated equally, with collective ownership of production and property and distribution according to need
In 1922, Russia formed USSR (Union of Socialist Soviets of Russia)
Countries such as Britain and USA were anti-communists as they adopted a capitalist system
Cold War
Conflict between USA and USSR after World War II, where the world became divided into two blocs - communist and anti-communist
GrowingInfluence of Communism (also known as Rise of Communism)
People were dissatisfied with colonialrulers and the superiorstatus of colonialrulers was tarnished as a result of WWII
Malayan Communist Party (MCP) had considerable support because many people, especially the Chinese, remembered how the MCP had helped in the resistance against the Japanese during WW II
After WW II, MCP became more aggressive, with an aim to end colonial rule
There was a Malayan Emergency, 1948 - 1960
Growing Influence of Communism
Communist ideology spread to Singapore and Malaya, often through the Chinese teachers in Chinese-medium schools, which worried the British as there was a large majority of Chinese in both Malaya and Singapore
Riots and Strikes in the Early 1950s
Maria Hertogh
Anti-National Service
Hock Lee Bus
Chinese Middles School Students' Riots
Impact of British surrender to the Japanese
Changed the people's attitudes towards the British, leading to fierce resistance to the British plans to reassert colonialrule
Mark them out on your timeline (TB 40-41)
British had to adapt their plans
By addressing the people's concerns and winning their support to prepare Singapore for self-government
Research Answers for "Why were there many strikes and riots in Singapore after 1945? (Start from p53-71)"
Slow war recovery, Baby Boom in 1940s-1950s led to overcrowdedlivingconditions
Please complete the pallet post with your partner. Please remember to include your names.
Continuing shortage of foodresources and growingpopulation led to malnutrition and inflation
If you have finished, please read pg 53 to 71 to find out about other riots.
Poor workingconditions led to a wave of strikes, with many workers who took part being trade union members
Padlet Links
In 1947, all unions had to register with the government to monitor their membership, as the British were concerned about the MCP's influence on trade unions
To ensure economic recovery and solve unemployment issues, the British repaired the ports
The British held elections in 1948 to address risinglocalanger and aspirations for self-rule