Atomic structure

Cards (43)

  • Elements
    All chemicals are elements and can be found in the periodic table
    Elements consist of one type of atom only and they are also the simplest form of substance that you can find
    Atoms of each element are represented by a chemical symbol
    There are about 100 different elements
  • Molecules
    In some elements the atoms are joined in groups of 2 or more
    A particle containing atoms grouped in this way is called a molecule
    Molecules can be compounds or elements
  • Compounds
    Formed from elements by chemical reactions
    Chemical reactions always involve the formation of one or more new substances and often involve a detectable energy change
    Compounds contain 2 or more elements chemically joined in fixed proportions and can be represented by formulae using the symbols of the atoms from which they are formed. Compounds can only be separated into elements by chemical reactions.
  • Chemical reactions
    Chemical reactions can be represented by word equations or equations using symbols or formulae.
  • Students should be able to
    Use names and symbols of first 20 elements, Group 1 and 7 elements and any other elements in spec
    Name compounds of these elements from given formulae or symbol equations
    Write word equations, formulae and balanced chemical equations for reactions in spec
    Write balanced half and ionic equations when appropriate
  • Mixtures
    Consists of 2 or more elements or compounds not chemically combined together
    The chemical properties of each substance in the mixture are unchanged
  • Mixtures
    Can be separated by physical processes such as filtration, simple and fractional distillation, crystallisation and chromatography
    These physical processes don’t involve chemical reactions and no new substances are made
  • Students should be able to
    Describe explain and give examples of the specified processes of separation
    Suggest suitable separation and purification techniques for mixtures when given appropriate information.
  • Solids
    Particles are close together
    Particles are regularly arranged
    Particles vibrate
  • Liquids
    Particles are slightly further apart
    Quite disordered and changes positions with frequent collisions
  • Gases
    Particles are very far apart
    Totally randomly arranged
    Fast moving with occasional collisions
  • Limitations of particle model
    All particles are solid spheres - reality is that atoms are mainly empty space and not always spherical
    No forces between particles - reality is that atoms have interactions which can distort their shape
    All particles are the same size - reality is that sizes of particles in substances can vary
  • What happens as water freezes?
    At room temp water particles have a lot of KE
    These water particles can move past one another
    When water is put in freezer the temp of the water begins to drop
    The water particles have less KE
    The temp reaches 0
    The particles form an orderly pattern and can no longer move past one another meaning the water becomes a solid called ice
  • Changes of state
    Ice to water is melting
    Water to steam is boiling
    Steam to water is condensing
    Water to ice is freezing
  • Cooling curve for gas
  • Heating curve for gas
  • Sublimation
    Process where solid turns to gas and gas turns to solid without converting to liquid inbetween
  • Evaporation
    Temp humidity and wind speed affect rate of evaporation
    Faster molecules at the surface of the liquid can escape from the water as a gas - this is evaporation
    Evaporation is also a physical process that changes liquid to gas
  • Evaporation
    SA and amount of liquid affect rate of evaporation - more temp, faster moving molecules, more evaporation
    More humidity = less evaporation
    Wind speed = more wind = more evaporation
    SA = more SA = less evaporation
    More amount = less evaporation, less amount = more evaporation
  • Difference between boiling and evaporating
    Boiling occurs at boiling point and occurs throughout the liquid
    Evaporating occurs at a temp below boiling point and only occurs at the surface of the liquid
  • History of the atom - 1800 - Atomic Theory by Dalton
    Atoms are tiny particles that make up elements
    Atoms can't be divided
    All atoms of the elements are the same, and are different from other elements
  • 1900 - Plum Pudding model by JJ Thomson

    Amorphous blob of positive charge with electrons embedded inside
    Cathode rays were streams of electrons
  • 1907 - Nuclear Model by Rutherford

    The results from the alpha particle scattering experiment (alpha particles were fired at gold foil and some deflected while others repelled)led to the conclusion that the mass of an atom was concentrated at the centre (nucleus) and that the nucleus was positively charged.
  • 1913 - Atomic Model by Bohr
    Niels Bohr adapted the nuclear model by suggesting that electrons orbit the nucleus at specific distances. The theoretical calculations of Bohr agreed with experimental observations.
    Outer orbits hold more than inner orbits
  • 1932 - Chadwick - Nuetrons in nucleus with nuetral charge

    Later experiments led to the idea that the positive charge of any nucleus could be subdivided into a whole number of smaller particles, each particle having the same amount of positive charge. The name proton was given to these particles.
    The experimental work of James Chadwick provided the evidence to show the existence of neutrons within the nucleus. This was about 20 years after the nucleus became an accepted scientific idea.
    There are no electrons in the nucleus
  • Structure of an atom
    Rutherford showed that an atom is made up of 3 sub atomic particles - protons, nuetrons and electrons.
    In an atom, the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus. Atoms have no overall electrical charge.
  • Relative charges
  • Atomic and Mass number
    Atomic number - number of protons in nucleus (can also be used to find number of electrons in atom)
    Mass number - number of protons and nuetrons in nucleus
    Mass number is always the bigger number while atomic number is always the smaller number
  • Number of protons
    The number of protons in an atom of an element is its atomic number. All atoms of a particular element have the same number of protons. Atoms of different elements have different numbers of protons.
  • Size of atoms
    Atoms are very small, having a radius of about 0.1 nm (1 x 10-10 m).
    The radius of a nucleus is less than 1/10 000 of that of the atom (about 1 x 10-14 m).
    Almost all of the mass of an atom is in the nucleus.
  • Relative mass
  • Atomic and mass number
    Further spec notes
  • Isotopes
    All atoms of the same elements have the same number of protons. The proton number identifies the element.
    However the number of nuetrons can vary.
    Atoms with the same number of protons but different number of nuetrons are isotopes.
  • Isotopes of hydrogen
    Hydrogen 1 - most common atom - has one electron and one proton but no nuetron
    Hydrogen 2 - Deuterium - I proton and 1 nuetron and 1 electron
    Hydrogen 3 - Tritium - 1 electron and 1 proton but 2 nuetrons
  • Relative atomic mass
    The relative atomic mass of an element is an average value that takes account of the abundance of the isotopes of the element.
    Students should be able to calculate the relative atomic mass of an element given the percentage abundance of its isotopes
  • RAM
  • Electron shells
    Atoms have 4 shells where electrons can live
    Shell 1 - 2 electrons
    Shell 2 - 8 electrons
    Shell 3 - 8 electrons
    Shell 4 - remaining electrons (up to 18)
  • Electron shells

  • Electronic structure
    The electrons in an atom occupy the lowest available energy levels (innermost available shells). The electronic structure of an atom can be represented by numbers or by a diagram.
  • Conservation of Mass
    New substances are made during chemical reactions
    However the same atoms are present before and after a reaction
    The total mass of reactants is always equal to the total mass of products
    This idea is known as The Law of Conservation of Mass