Cards (19)

  • What are the antagonistic pairs at the shoulder?
    Deltoid + Latissimus dorsi
  • What are the antagonistic pairs at the elbow?
    Biceps + triceps
  • What are the antagonistic pairs at the hip?
    Gluteals + hip flexors
  • What are the antagonistic pairs at the knee?
    Quadriceps + hamstrings
  • What are the antagonistic pairs at the ankle?
    Gastrocnemius + tibialis anterior
  • What movement is created at the shoulder?
    Deltoid: Abduction
    Latissimus dorsi: Adduction
  • What movement is created at the elbow?
    Biceps: Flexion
    Triceps: Extension
  • What movement is created at the hip?
    Gluteals: Extension
    Hip flexors: Flexion
  • What movement is created at the knee?
    Quadriceps: Extension
    Hamstrings: Flexion
  • What movement is created at the ankle?
    Gastrocnemius: Plantar flexion
    Tibialis anterior: Dorsiflexion
  • At the elbow:
    • Flexion at the elbow -> biceps contract + shorten.
    -> triceps relax + lengthen.
    • Extension at the elbow -> biceps relax + lengthen
    -> triceps contract + shorten.
  • What is isometric contraction?
    The muscle stays the same length under tension. It doesn't shorten or lengthen. There is no movement of either the limb or the joint because the muscles are working to keep the joint stationary.
  • What is an example of isometric contraction?
    Handstand in gymnastics
  • What is isotonic contraction?
    The muscle changes length when it contracts and results in limb movement.
  • What are the 2 types of isotonic contraction?
    Eccentric + concentric
  • What is eccentric contraction?
    When the muscle contracts + lengthens
  • What is concentric contraction?
    When the muscle contracts + shortens
  • Agonist
    Prime mover - tenses: muscle shortens
  • Antagonist
    relaxes: muscle lengthens