The Principle of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from one form to another
Energy stores
Keep or store energy within one part of a system
Types of energy stores
Kinetic energy
Gravitational potential energy
Magnetic energy
Chemical energy
Thermal energy
Nuclear energy
Energy transfers
Give or transfer energy to different parts of a system
Types of energy transfers
Energy dissipation
Energy not transferred to useful energy stores is wasted because it is lost to the surroundings
When energy is transferred from one form to another, not all the energy will end up in the desired form (or place)
Any energy not transferred to useful energy stores is wasted because it is lost to the surroundings
Wasted energy is commonly in the form of thermal (heat), light, or sound energy
What counts as wasted energy depends on the system
In mechanical systems when energy is transferred between stores it is equivalent to the work done
When a vertical spring is extended and contracted, its energy is converted into other forms
Although the total energy of the spring will remain constant, it will have changing amounts of elastic potential energy, kinetic energy, and gravitational potential energy
For a horizontal mass on a spring system, there is no gravitational potential energy to consider. The spring only converts between kinetic and elastic potential energy
Sankey diagrams
Used to represent energy transfers
The width of each arrow in a Sankey diagram is proportional to the amount of energy going to each store
Total energy in = Useful energy out + Wasted energy
Work is defined as the transfer of energy when an external force causes an object to move over a certain distance
The work done by the resultant force on a system is equal to the change in the energy of the system
Sankey diagram
A diagram that shows the flow of energy or materials through a process
Planning a Sankey diagram
1. Decide how wide the input arrow will be
2. Decide how wide the 'useful energy out' arrow will be
3. Decide how wide the 'wasted energy' arrow will be
Drawing a Sankey diagram
1. Draw the left hand side of the arrow, along with the line going across the top
2. Add the 'useful energy out' arrow, making sure it is the correct width
3. Carefully mark the start and end of the 'wasted energy' arrow - make sure the marks are the correct distance apart
4. Join the markings to finish the 'wasted energy' arrow
The transfer of energy when an external force causes an object to move over a certain distance
Work done
Equal to the change in the energy of the system
Work done
If a constant force is applied in the line of an object's displacement (i.e. parallel to it), the work done can be calculated using the equation W = Fs
If the force is at an angle θ to the object's displacement, the work done is calculated by W = Fscosθ
When plotting a graph of average force applied against displacement, the area under the graph is equal to the work done
Kinetic energy
The energy an object has due to its translational motion (i.e. because it's moving)
Gravitational potential energy
The energy stored in a mass due to its position in a gravitational field
The potential energy on the Earth's surface at ground level is taken to be equal to 0
Elastic potential energy
The energy stored within a material (e.g. in a spring) when it is stretched or compressed
Mechanical energy
The sum of kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy
The change in the total mechanical energy of a system should be interpreted in terms of the work done on the system by any non-conservative force
Mechanical energy = Ek + ∆Ep + EH
System with mechanical energy
Spring and mass system
Change in total mechanical energy of a system
Interpreted in terms of the work done on the system by any non-conservative force
Energy conversion in a vertical spring
1. Elastic potential energy
2. Kinetic energy
3. Gravitational potential energy
Energy conversion in a vertical mass on a spring
1. Elastic potential energy
2. Kinetic energy
3. Gravitational potential energy
In the absence of frictional, resistive forces, the total mechanical energy of a system is conserved
Scenarios involving transfer of kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy