
Cards (36)

  • Die Freizeit = free time
  • Briefmarken sammeln = to collect stamps
  • Plüschtiere sammeln = to collect soft toys
  • Sport machen = to do sport
  • Sport treiben = to do sport
  • Fußball spielen = to play football
  • Hockey spielen = to play hockey
  • Basketball spielen = to play basketball
  • Schach spielen = to play chess
  • Karten spielen = to play cards
  • am Computer spielen = to play on the computer
  • Computerspiele spielen = to play computer games
  • im Internet surfen = to surf on the internet
  • mit Freunden reden = to chat with friends
  • chillen = to chill
  • Freunde treffen = to meet friends
  • Zeit mit dem besten Freund verbringen = to spend time with your best friend
  • ins Kino gehen = to go to the cinema
  • in die Stadt gehen = to go into town
  • abends fernsehen = to watch TV in the evening
  • am Wochenende Videos gucken = to watch videos at the weekend
  • Filme / die Nachrichten sehen = to watch films / the news
  • Musik machen = to make music
  • Radio hören = to listen to the radio
  • Bücher lesen = to read books
  • faulenzen = to chill / laze about
  • nichts tun = to do nothing
  • Ich bin = I am
  • sehr = very
  • ziemlich = quite
  • ein bisschen = a bit
  • gar nicht = not at all
  • sportlich = sporty
  • musikalisch = musical
  • faul = lazy
  • abenteurlustig = adventurous