multiple attatchments + father

Cards (7)

  • bowlby suggested:

    the father is most likely to engage in physically active play than the mother and becomes the baby's preferred play companion
  • schaffer suggested:

    the majority of babies becomed attatched with the mother from 7 months but the father in 18 months determined by 75% of children protesting when the father left
  • grossman suggested:

    the father's play style was linked to their own internal working model of attatchments, they used schemas for their children.
    -fathers have a distinct role as a secondary attatchment figure
    -longitudinal study of 44 families comparing role of mother and fathers contribution to their childs attatchment at different ages
  • AO3 - inconsistent findings
    different researchers have different questions:
    • role of fathers as a secondary attatchment figure
    • role of fathers as a primary attatchment figure (take on maternal role)
  • AO3 - why arent children without fathers different?
    because fathers have a different role in attatchment contributing to play and stimulation
    -grossman = secondary attatchment figures
  • AO3 - why dont fathers usually become primary attatchments?
    a result of traditional gender roles, fathers feel that they shouldnt act nurturing and "feminine"
    female hormones (oestrogen/oxytocin) create higher levels of nurturing. they are biologically predisposed to be the primary attatchment figure
  • AO3 - temporal validity
    they lack temporal validity because they were done a long time ago but now gender role stereotypes and acceptance of other cultures and sexualities are changing (fathers or multiple people often take on the role of primary caregiver