influence of early attatchment + internal working model

    Cards (8)

    • whos idea was the internal working model
    • bullying behaviour
      attatchment type is associated with the quality of friendships in childhood (securely attatched type b = better relationships)
      study researched bullying involvement in 196 children 7-11 years old in a questionnaire:
      • secure (b) = unlikely involved
      • insecure avoidant (a) = victim
      • insecure resistant (c) = bully
    • method and procedure - the love quiz
      hazan and shaver analysed 620 replies to a love quiz in a usa newspaper
      1. current relationship
      2. general relationship experience (number of partners)
      3. attatchment type determined by "which of three statements best describe your feelings"
    • findings - the love quiz
      56% securely attatched - have better/longer relationships
      25% insecure avoidant - jealousy/fear of intimacy
      19% insecure resistant
      =indicative of a connection between attatchment type and adult romantic relationships
    • AO3 - mixed findings
      bailey = 99 mothers study found that the majority had the same attatchment type with both their babies and their own mother
      zimmerman = 28% of insecure types did go on to have good adult relationships
    • AO3 - evidence against (correlational data)

      study found that the correlation between childhood attatchments and later relationships was as low as 0.1
      and there are other possible explanations such as temperament
    • AO3 - self-reports, sample, memory
      -people could lie on a self-report due to social desirability factors or demand characteristics
      -sample = 2 times more females and all americans
      -memory of childhood could be distorted
    • AO3- deterministic
      has a pessimistic forecast about people's future (unhappy childhood means they're doomed to an unhappy life)
      -ignores possible redeeming factors
      :) however, helps to understand why people use parasocial relationships to fill the void