learning theory

Cards (7)

  • overview of learning theory
    learning to associate food with their caregiver is what creates the attatchment
  • classical conditioning

    associating two stimuli so the response to one transfers to the other
    food-UCS > happy baby-UCR
    food-UCS + caregiver-NS > happy baby-UCR
    caregiver-CS > happy baby-CR
  • operant conditioning

    interplay of mutual reinforcement strengthens the attatchment
    -its a two way process:
    • crying is reinforced because it gets food
    • mother receives negative reinforcement because crying stops
    food=primary reinforcer and caregiver=secondary reinforcer
  • AO3 - evidence against- animals
    studies showed that animals do not imprint on or attatch to those who feed them
    lorenz and harlow
  • AO3 - evidence against - humans
    glasgow baby study - many of the 60 babies developed a primary attatchment to their mother despite other carers doing most of the feeding
    =feeding is not the key element so theres no primary reinforcer/drive involved
  • AO3 - other factors
    meltzoff found that the quality of attatchments is associated with reciprocity=responding and interactional synchrony=mirroring
  • AO3 - reductionist and other factors
    -reductionist = human behaviours are much more complex than simple stimulus/response models
    -ignores temperament(innate behaviour), social factors and culture