bowlby's monotropic theory

Cards (11)

  • bowlby suggested attatchment is an innate system to give a survival advantage
  • whats the acronym for bowlbys monotropic theory
  • A?
    adaptive - more likely to survive if an infant has an attatchment to a caregiver because they're kept safe, warm and given food
  • S?
    social releasers - unlock the innate tendency of adults to care for infants, a reciprocal process from both carer and baby
  • C?
    critical period - have to form an attatchment during the 30 month period or the child will suffer irreversible, long term consequences:
    • cognitive, emotional, social
    later viewed as the sensitive period due to it being proven wrong (reversible)
  • m?
    monotropy - the special intense attatchment with the mother, only after this is formed can they form multiple attatchments
  • i?
    internal working model - future relationships and their ability to be a parent themselves will be based on their monotropy
  • AO3 - schaffer evidence doesnt support + unclear
    schaffer 60 glasgow babies study = found that babies began to form multiple attatchments at around 10 months, not just the mother
    + it is unclear whether there is something special/unique about the first attatchment
  • AO3 - supporting evidence for social releasers
    -observation of mothers and babies during their interactions and proved the existence of interactional synchrony and the importance of social releasers in eliciting caregiving
  • AO3 - supporting evidence for internal working model
    99 mothers study - interviewed mothers about attatchments to their own mother and observed their babies attatchment to them
    = poor mother attatchments > poor baby attatchments
  • AO3 - temperament + deterministic
    kagan's study found that a baby could be more anxious or sociable due to their temperament
    deterministic = not everyone with an unhappy childhood has unhappy adult relationships