
    Cards (10)

    • Violation of expectations research
      Carrot study looked for longer in surprise events
      2 month old can experience object persistence
    • strength
      • Film infants - establish inter rater reliability
      • Don't respond to demand characteristics/Hawthorne effect
    • weakness
      • some issues with validity as they looked for longer but this may not indicate object persistence - interference may be wrong
    • infants have physical reasoning system (PRS)

      INNATE! born with basic understanding as to how the world works
    • violation of expectations (VOE) research - procedure
      • babies see 2 events (expected and unexpected)
      • unexpected violate infants' understanding of the world (testing object permanence)
      • examine if VOE has occurred by observing time babies looked for
    • VOE - findings
      • looking for an average of 8 seconds longer in unexpected compared to expected
      • they were surprised so they must have object permanence
    • object persistance
      if we cannot see something it doesn't change the structure
    • strength
      good validity
      • babies in Piaget's research may have been distracted or lacked motor skills
      • Baillargeon was more accurately assessing surprise (indication of object permanence)
    • weakness
      VOE may not be object permanence
      • all VOE says that infants find unexpected events more interesting
      • babies lack coordination (issues with observing infants)
    • strength
      • explains universal behaviours
      • e.g. when keys are dropped they fall to the ground (understanding is innate)