theory of mind

Cards (10)

  • understand
    • others thoughts, feelings and intentions
    • others can hold a false belief
  • strength
    lack of TOM is a distinct characteristic of autism
    • sally-anne - controls + children with Down syndrome can pass a false belief task
  • weakness
    sally-anne task may measure visual memory
    • lack validity
  • weakness
    issues with eyes task
    • ecological validity
    • in real life you see peoples full faces
  • theory of mind
    • allows us to understand/identify what other people are thinking and feeling
    • develops at about 3-4 years old
    • those with autism may have a defect in this
  • testing it in toddlers (meltzoff, 1988)
    • 18 months attempt to put beans in a jar
    • control group were successful
    • experimental dropped the beads
  • testing it in children with autism (baron-cohen et al) - Sally Anne task
    • 20 autistic children, 27 neurodivergent and 14 with down-syndrome
    • Sally puts marbles in her basket and walks away and Anne moves the marbles into her box
    • The children asked where Sally would look for her marbles
  • Sally-Anne task : findings
    • 85% of control could successfully answer
    • only 25% with autism could
    • suggests that children with autism lack theory of mind
  • weakness
    issues with validity
    • false belief requires the ability to perspective take and use visual memory
    • some can engage successfully in play but unsuccessful in false belief
    • therefore false belief doesn't assess TOM
  • strength
    real world application
    • people with autism have difficulty understanding intentions of others (struggle with false belief)
    • explains why those with autism may struggle with social interaction
    • HOWEVER - other factors with autism and might not struggle with TOM