harlow - monkeys

Cards (9)

  • when was harlows study
  • procedure:
    8 rhesus monkeys were caged from infancy with a wire mesh food dispensing surrogate mother and a cloth covered mother
    -harlow measured the amount of time the monkeys spent with each one
  • findings?
    -showed attatchment behaviours to the cloth mother when scared
    -showed phobic responses when left alone with the wire, food mother
    = contact comfort is more important than food
  • long term effects?
    they did not develop normal social behaviours:
    • more aggressive and less sociable
    • neglected and attacked (sometimes killed) their children
    the wire mothered monkeys were the most severe
  • critical period?

    90 days
  • AO3 - irl application - theoretical
    -importance of the quality of early relationships for later social development
    -attatchment is a result of contact comfort
  • AO3 - irl application - practical
    -social workers understand risk factors in child neglect + abuse so they can prevent it
    -offering attatchment figures for captive monkeys in zoos and breeding programmes
  • AO3 - ethical issues
    -monkeys suffered greatly, the species is said to be close enough to humans to generalise the results so their suffering must also be human-like
  • AO3 - generalisability
    psychologists disagree that the study can fully be generalised to humans