caregiver-infant interaction

Subdecks (1)

Cards (24)

  • what is attatchment
    a close two way emotional bond between two individuals in which each individual sees the other as essential for their own emotional security
  • what is reciprocity?

    a two way process where each person responds to the others signals to sustain interaction
    -it influences the child's physical, cognitive and psychological development of trust/distrust
    -it shapes how the child will learn and form relationships
  • negative reciprocal processes are disadvantageous to a childs development
  • what is interactional synchrony?

    a pattern of social communication where behaviours of individuals become synchronised (actions and emotions mirror eachother)
  • AO3 - reciprocity supporting evidence
    still face study - mother has a still face and doesnt respond to the babys actions
    =baby becomes agitated because they cant evoke a response
  • AO3 - interactional synchrony supporting evidence
    facial expressions study where an association was found between the expression or gestures the adult displayed and the actions of the baby
    -childs response was filmed and observed to give reliability + the ability for other researchers to observe
  • AO3 - difficult to observe and no reasons
    -dont know if the imitation is conscious + deliberate or not, cant be sure it has a special meaning
    however, they were reliably observed and repeated behaviours occur at the same time so they must learn to deliberately imitate
    :( doesnt tell us their purpose
  • AO3 - controlled observations
    -well controlled:
    • both filmed from multiple angles so no details are missed and can be later analysed
    • babies dont know they're being recorded so their behaviour wont be affected