
Subdecks (1)

Cards (38)

  • Encoding
    Initial recording of information
  • Retrieval
    Getting information out of memory storage
  • Atkinson and Shiffrin's Information Processing Model

    1. Information -> Sensory memories -> Short-term memory -> Long-term memory
    2. Repetitive rehearsal (retains information in Short-term memory)
    3. Elaborative rehearsal (moves information into Long-term memory)
  • Forgetting typically within 1 second in Sensory memories
  • Automatic processing
    We automatically process information about, it's done unconsciously
  • Effortful processing

    Requires close attention and effort
  • Implicit memories
    • Processed in cerebellum and basal ganglia
    • Without conscious recall
  • Massed practice
    Produces speedy short-term learning and feelings of confidence
  • Episodic memory
    Explicit memory of personally experienced events
  • Flashbulb memories
    Clear memories of emotionally significant events
  • Key Memory Structures in the Brain
    • Frontal lobes and hippocampus (explicit memory formation)
    • Cerebellum and basal ganglia (implicit memory formation)
    • Amygdala (emotion-related memory formation)
  • Synaptic Changes

    More Serotonin is released during learning, the cells synapses become more efficient, and the number of synapses increases with experience and learning
  • Recognition
    Memory demonstrated by identifying items previously learned
  • Relearning
    Memory demonstrated by time saved when learning material for a second time
  • Priming
    Awakening of unconscious associations in memory
  • Serial Position effect
    The tendency to recall best the last (recency effect) and first (primacy effect) items in a list
  • Seven Sins of Memory
    • Absent-mindedness
    • Transience
    • Blocking
    • Misattribution
    • Suggestibility
    • Bias
    • Persistence
  • Retrieval Failure
    Caused by interference and motivated forgetting
  • Imagination Effect
    Repeatedly imagining fake actions and events creates false memories
  • Suggestive interviewing techniques can lead 58% of preschoolers to produce false stories about one or more inexperienced events