effects of anxiety on EWT

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  • weapon focus effect
    presence of a weapon increases anxiety - makes eyewitness focus on central details rather than peripheral details - eyewitness may struggle to recall key details of what they saw as they're too focused on weapon
  • effects of anxiety research aim and method
    Johnson and Scott
    AIM - test effects of anxiety caused by weapon being present on accuracy of EWT
    METHOD - laboratory experiment - participants in 2 conditions - instructed to wait outside a room before the study began - both conditions heard discussion in neighbouring room - condition 1 a man came out holding a pen with grease on his hands (low anxiety - control) - condition 2 a man came out holding a paperknife covered in blood (high anxiety - experimental) - participants asked to later identify man from 50 photos
  • effects of anxiety research findings and conclusion
    FINIDNGS - condition 1 (pen and grease) were 49% accurate and condition 2 (paperknife and blood) were 33% accurate
    CONCLUSION - anxiety caused by weapon narrowed focus of attention making recall less detailed - may explain why eyewitnesses sometimes have poor recall
  • EFFECTS OF ANXIETY EVALUATION - control over variables
    study conducted in controlled environment (laboratory) potential extraneous variables easily controlled - e.g. photos participants chose from could be standardised for each trial - high internal validity
    Johnson and Scott may have failed to protect participants from harm - e.g. exposing participants to traumatic event of seeing man holding a knife covered in blood could cause harm - goes against the ethical code of conduct
  • EFFECTS OF ANXIETY EVALUATION - Christianson and Hubinette
    found out of 58 real witnesses to bank robberies, those who'd been directly threatened during the robbery were more accurate in recall and remembered more details than onlookers - suggests anxiety may increase accuracy

    anxiety can improve accuracy of EWT up to an optimal point, after this too much anxiety can reduce accuracy of EWT - Johnson and Scott's research with reduced accuracy may occurred because anxiety levels were higher than the optimal point - can support Johnson and Scott's research and explain why other studies don't show anxiety reduces EWT accuracy