Studying conformity: Milgram

Cards (11)

  • What did Zimbardo aim to do?
    Investigate the extent to which people would conform to social roles
  • What is the dispositional hypothesis?

    Prison violence is due to the sadistic nature of the guards
  • What is the situational hypothesis?

    Prison violence is due to the brutal conditions of prison
  • How many students participated?
  • Where did this study take place?
    The basement of the psychology department at Stamford university
  • What method did Zimbardo use for his study?
    • Guards wore khaki uniforms and sunglasses to prevent eye contact
    • Prisoners were arrested and dehumanised, known as their numbers
    • A regular prison routine
  • What did Zimbardo find?
    • The prisoners became rebellious and guards became sadistic
    • De-individualisation occurred, as the prisoners referred to each other and themselves as their numbers
    • After 3 days a prisoner was discharged after fits of hysteria
    • The experiment was terminated after 6 days, the prisoners were happy and the guards were unhappy
    • Both were surprised at the behaviours they exhibited
  • What did Zimbardo conclude?
    • Situational hypothesis is favoured over the dispositional hypothesis
    • Individuals will conform readily to the social roles of a situation
    • Both guards and prisoners demonstrated social roles displayed in the media
  • What are the ethical issues involved in Zimbardo’s study?
    • Prisoners felt like they couldn’t withdraw
    • Psychological harm occurred
    • Prisoners under a large amount of stress
    • Deception occurred
  • Strenghts of Zimbardo’s study:
    • Participants randomly assigned to their roles, so increases internal validity
    • Applications - some changes made in US prisons
  • What are the weaknesses of Zimbardo’s study?
    • Individual differences and personality determine what extent people conform to social roles
    • Not a real prison so lacks ecological validity
    • Zimbardo played the superintendent, so researcher bias may be present