Identify one group (class) in lab 10 that is characterized by having seven (7) pairs of gill slits.
Identify one group (class) in lab 10 that is characterized by having no notochord in the adult.
Ray-finned fish
Give one characteristic of the class Actinopterygii (ray-finned fish) from lab 10.
Small cerebrum
Give one characteristic of the class Squamata (snakes and lizards) from lab 10.
In which group (class) should you classify chordate with the following characteristics: 2-chambered heart, 5 pairs of gill slits, swim bladder, scales?
Ray-finned fish
How many chambers are there in the heart of lizards and snakes?
3 1/2
Oviparous: mother lays eggs, young develop with nutrition in eggs
Viviparous: young receive nutrition as they develop inside mother, live birth
Ovoviviparous: eggs retained inside parent, young develop with nutrition in eggs, live birth
Poikilotherm: body temperature generally the same as that of the environment
Homeotherm: body temperature generally different from that of the environment
Lateral: to the sides of the animal
Dorsal: to the back of the animal
Ventral: to the belly of the animal
Anterior: to the head end of the animal
Posterior: at the tail of the animal
Cloaca: common opening for digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems