Name one phylum in lab 9 that is characterized by having no nervous system.
Name one phylum in lab 9 that is characterized by having an open circulatory system.
Give one characteristic of the phylum Annelida from lab 9.
Give one characteristic of the phylum Mollusca from lab 9.
Bilateral symmetry
Animal: Turtle
Phylum: Chordata
General: sexual reproduction
Individual: covered by a shell
Animal: Octopus
Phylum: Mollusca
General: gills
Individual: shell is absent
Animal: Leech
Phylum: Annelida
General: hermaphrodite
Individual: dorso-ventrally flattened
Animal: Sea Urchin
Phylum: Echinodermata
General: radial symmetry
Individual: long movable spines
Animal: Barnacle
Phylum: Arthropoda
General: sense organs
Individual: no heart
Phylum: Annelida; example: leeches
Phylum: Nematoda; example: ascaris
Phylum: Platyhelminthes; example: tapeworm
Phylum: Arthropoda; example: bedbug
Does the phylum cnidaria have a nervous system, and if so what kind?
Yes, nerve net
In which phylum should you classify an animal with the following characteristics: bilateral symmetry, incomplete digestive system, no coelom or appendages or circulatory system or respiratory system?