What are the three domains recognized in the taxonomic classification system?
Archaea, Eukarya, Bacteria
Are the photoautotrophs known as blue-green algae prokaryotes or eukaryotes?
What is the technical name for the part of certain funguses known as a "mushroom"?
Are diatoms, Chlamydomonas, and Chondrus photoautotrophs or chemoheterotrophs?
What is taxonomy?
The science of classification
Prokaryotes have no membrane-bound nucleus, and are usually covered by a cell wall of peptidoglycan.
Are bacteria photoheterotrophs or chemoheterotrophs?
What are the three basic shapes of bacteria?
Bacillus (rod-shaped), coccus (spherical), and spirillum (corkscrew-shaped)
Achinetes: inactive cells encased in a protective shell until conditions improve
What are the four eukaryotic kingdoms?
Animalia, Plantae, Fungi and Protista
What are diatoms?
These are microscopic, unicellular, photoautotrophic organisms. They come in a variety of regular geometric shapes and textures.
Brown and red algae are also called seaweeds, they are multicellular, macroscopic, photoautotrophic, and almost exclusively marine.
What is green algae?
These are closely-related to plants. Some are unicellular, some form colonies, and a few are multicellular. They all are photoautotrophs.
What are amoebozoa?
These protists are constantly changing shape and are unicellular chemoheterotrophs. They move by streaming their cytoplasm into pseudopodia (false legs).
What are ciliates?
Members of this group are oval unicellular chemoheterotophs that typically feed by endocytosis through an oral groove. They swim by waving short hair-like cilia.